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>> No.16792338 [View]
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Sanderson wants to write lore for videogames or long arc anime, not novels.
He's an okay ideas guy but he writes like a middleschooler half assing a creative writing assignment.
I really enjoy Brandon as a person. But I think his books belong in teen reading shelves moreso than YA.
Going over the common 'counter points' made by drones.

>But worldbuilding
Loving someone else's make believe doesn't make up for a shit story. Even worse, when you're using worldbuilding as filler, it ultimately detracts from the story. To deny this means you might actually be retarded, there is literally 0 reason for Interludes in WoK outside of Szeth.
And even then, his worldbuilding is not even that deep. Like really, other anon's have said this before and I'm surprised people still defend the piss poor worldbuilding of his.
He doesn't think beyond rule of cool. Turning stone to food, or gas, or whatever - at the cost of a fucking gemstone that's like $5; is broken beyond belief and breaks any sense of equivalency in his magic systems meme that he loves to talk about.

>But story
You can only read so much patterned writing before it sounds overly robotic - and that's in a short story.
A tome's worth of he "did this, then this, then this", or the more obvious pattern of his combat writing being: "Character did [Action]" followed by a verbal soup, "but then / suddenly" ; it's inexcusable.
He's a 40 year old man that writes like a 13 year old that hates reading.
Not only that, but when a character's literal existence is to exposit - heaven forbid a perspective character - it becomes real fucking boring to read.

He can't even write epigraphs properly. And they are the easy-mode for foreshadowing.

>But social issues
>But representation
>But thing that is absolutely not unique to Sanderson at all.
Read other books and authors. You're lying to yourself if you think he's the first to write about mental health, and social issues (and even then he does it so fucking clumsily it comes off as almost offensive.)

I'm not saying you can't enjoy it, I thought the first Mistborn was solidly enjoyable; I'm just saying stop making out that poorly written toilet reading is kino.

>> No.16036036 [View]
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I knew it would happen but I expected it to be like 5 or 6 people max.
>4.45 Stars, 336 Ratings, 61 Reviews
>Expected publication: November 17th 2020 by Tor Books
Rhythm of war isn't even out.
What the fuck. Sanderson autists are the worst.
Some poor author(s) that's trying to get publicity via GR probably got cucked by this.

>> No.15806562 [View]
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Because it's so fucking obvious what it is.
It's not clever.

>It's worldbuilding
That's a fucking stretch. That's a reeeal fucking stretch.
If it were good worldbuilding, he'd go the Dutch-Afrikaans route and use something akin to Bliksem - a by product or possible element of the thing that's unpleasant; not the entire thing.
It get's confusing when I'm reading "We'll leave you out in the Highstorm" and wondering if it's a literal storm or there's some weird sort of compound cursing going on.

>You read a fantasy book and expect everything to be earth like?
Fuck no.
But Sanderson sure thinks so, so I don't know why you brought up the point.

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