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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18929334 [View]
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My life is a mess of excess and deficiencies.

>> No.18274003 [View]
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Conan turned me into an incel.
>fail to self insert
>watch as he treats women exactly the same way as the guys that keep them as concubines but it's okay because he has pretty eyes and animal vibes despite ditching them at the side of the road to pick up a different one in next week's adventure
>realize young I don't have a chance against chad
>realize in high school I don't have a chance at all
Anyway yeah read Conan the stories are fun.

>> No.18124766 [View]
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Mfw looking up this and ontology and other words for the thousandth time

>> No.17399819 [View]
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Good God what I wouldn't do for a lengthy and sensual paizuri session with Shirogane Noel

>> No.17381174 [View]
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I actually think more than philosophy peaked with him but we won't know since so many of his works were lost.

>> No.14066474 [View]
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>you will never live in such a world full of wonder

>> No.13531195 [View]
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>TES' mythology is more complex than most religions

The state of /lit/

>> No.12733547 [View]
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good night, going to read War Games by K. Dick and take myself right off to bed
the reality is I will go to sleep and continue reading in the morning, but I'm not admitting that yet

>> No.12168108 [View]
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>> No.12160465 [View]
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>> No.12143073 [View]
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>> No.12138604 [View]
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The beauty of man is resplendent and awesome...his power is both great and terrifying and a thousand other things all at once! See how he has harnessed the vast and dangerous complexities of nature for nothing more than the deigning of basic amenity! Revel in his sheer domination and utter lack of care for his world! He is a single-minded creature, and that sole mind is one word: MINE. He sees all, and possesses all he sees! We are all property of him, and he is a property of us! He consumes and consumes, taking steel, taking uranium, taking fire, taking stone, taking everything for he shall never be satisfied and after he runs out of things to take he will use what he has taken to invent new things to take ad infinitum! He is an awesome God, and more than that, he is an awesome MAN, and his drive is as unstoppable and unchangeable as the past, at least until his woe-breathing drive has carried us so far into the future that he thinks it wise to return, and pay us a visit prior-Hah! What will he be singing then? "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Coming for to carry me home!" He will carry the US of then to the US of now for this as much as any other home in time is a home-a home of US! From the earliest caves of Lascaux, from Jordan, Eridu, Aleppo, Jericho, from the Kingdoms and Palisades known from the deepest Amazonian Jungles to the wide open Sahara plain to the Terracotta Chinese and far-spanning Britain and any and everywhere in Between this is the home of HIM, and, as good as his as it is OURS. I would say I await his loving visit with great anticipation held in my heart...with the most wondrous care in my soul...with baited breath for he who is, was, and always will be Anu-Gaia-Zeus-Hera-Kronos-Rhea-Fu Xi-Nu Wa-Amaterasu-Susano'o-Izanami-Izanagi-Shango-Marduk-GOD but I know that this is foolishness, and that I, nor anyone else need wait, for his glory his already here and deep inside the hearts of every man woman and child in existence!

>> No.12019419 [View]
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At what age did you realize that Tabula rasa is an aspect of a utopian society and there is no such thing as true free will?

>> No.11955305 [View]
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I'm not sleeping in this quiet night
My mind is in a permanent fight
Can't seem to find peace and tranquility
Because of my fucking virginity!


>> No.11320919 [View]
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Videogames are NOT getting better. They are advancing, but not better.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.11231032 [View]
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I'm struggling to find a purpose in life and feel like i'm wasting my time despite barely being an adult.

>> No.11150428 [View]
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It's just a picture but it's easy see bits of that when you live in a shitty place filled with criminal youths, junkies and deviants while the naive upper-middle class who wouldn't drive through your neighbourhood in an armored SUV act like it's not only great and progressive but that you're to blame for any of their faults.

>grow up in shitty neighbourhood with plenty of problems
>childhood friends from richer families get sent to private schools as things get worse
>years later look them up to stay in touch
>they're preaching about tolerance when they don't know the meaning of it and insult anyone with a critical view as 'ignorant'
I can't blame them though, I wish I had parents that sheltered me so.

>> No.11142096 [View]
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So far I mostly came into contact with Zizek in an "anti-capitalist" context, so I assumed materialism in this exceprt to be linked to this aswell.
So I gave my two cents on something while browsing the world wide web on a site I come to shitpost at.

While you didn't do much beyound talking about how crappy what I wrote was, not giveing your own opinion or anything really.

So, lets just say that you have your truth of being someone who genuinely cares for philosophy and shows it by not contributeing anything and instead blindly lashing out.
While I have my truth of you just being an angry kid in a "possibly" grown body, looking to lash out at someone to feel a modicum of selfworth.

And until we meet in RL, we both can continue to live them.

>> No.10951972 [View]
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>Out of all those books I only had to read Sterne, Pope and Shakespeare in my entire undergrad
>All of said books were in different classes taught by the same professor
Liberal institutions were a mistake.

>> No.10813406 [View]
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I didn’t know that it was actually possible to have all your tears dry up. Friend killed him self recently and I didn’t even feel sad about it. I was just empty, and then I went on with my day, it was like I was just like meursault from the stranger but was aware of my inappropriate thoughts and behavior.

>> No.10736523 [View]
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experimenter virgin:
>dives in head first
>most important decisions happen spontaneously during writing, fuzzy goals
>recombines, reconstructs
>keeps returning to finished work

conceptualizer chad:
>has clear own goals which he wants to express precisely
>usually there is a singular work that sticks out with novelty
>sketches a lot
>decides main points beforehand
>usually satisfied with finished work

>> No.10678513 [View]
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Unironically this.

Basically handcuffed myself to this shit.

>> No.10659201 [View]
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misplaced my copy of Naming and Necessity
any books for this feel?

>> No.10615673 [View]
File: 270 KB, 1200x798, DCC5BB44-BF7C-45A7-A072-B3E330D1236A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tiger is out

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