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>> No.13478214 [View]
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When you are trying to perform negotiations or politics, you must first proceed by finding out what the other party wants.

You must then proceed to frame a way in which what the other party wants is achieved by your plan.

This is the fundamental problem.

The Left fails the moral Dunning-Kruger test. When you ask Conservatives and Libertarians to answer a questionnaire as if they were Liberals, they answer correctly most of the time. If you as a Liberal to answer as a Conservative, they fail most of the time.

This is because the psychological foundations of Liberals encompass two moral foundations: care (or harm prevention), and fairness.

Conservatives use 5-6 of the available moral foundations set out by researchers like Haidt.

The worldview of Conservatives encompasses the worldview of Liberals, but not vice versa. As such, Conservatives can put themselves in the shoes of Liberals, but Liberals cannot put themselves in the shoes of Conservatives.

The Left literally cannot understand what motivates the Right (either the traditional normie Conservatives, or the various Neo Reactionary groups).

If you cannot understand what motivates us, or what we want, then you cannot sell us on your plan with anything other than coercion.

This is why you continue to push people away, and fail to build bridges.

This is why you fail to predict the reactions of the Right, and the victories of Populist or Ethnonationalist movements (nationalist Trump in America, ethnonationalist Salvini in Italy, The Golden Dawn in Greece, Marine Le Pen and the Yellow Vests in France, Bolsonaro, Hungary basically becoming a white Christian ethnostate with a breeding program, Poland, Bavaria, Norway, etc...)

Until you start treating us "little shits" with some respect, the only thing you're doing is paving the groundwork for undecided moderates to hate you, and side with the Right.

But that's impossible for you.

Because nationalists have "countrymen."

Commies have "comrades" ("little shits in waiting"), aka disposable tools.

We don't hate you because we fear you, that's not how the Conservative psychology works. We hate you because you disgust and insult us, and you don't even know it.

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