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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16604810 [View]
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hes a faggot but the closest thing to a real "elite" on here is probably rapture. his reading lists are probably some window, especially his shit on propaganda and washington power politics.
though desu i'd wager he's the exception to the rule and most "elite" are normie fags who either don't read, only read self-help and practical shit, or who have books just for show LIKE EVERYONE ELSE

>> No.16356243 [View]
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blessed thread

>> No.16193376 [View]
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Blessed thread

>> No.16100993 [View]
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>> No.15897827 [View]
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blessed post

>> No.15867786 [View]
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What kind of shitty reseller would accept that kind of book anyway. You've been cursed.

>> No.15088116 [View]
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Why do certain /lit/ posters pride themselves on their lack of understanding of science? I see ideas as uncontroversial as "our universe is billions of years old" attacked as "bugman science" all the time. Is there an actual principled objection to the idea that observing the physical world can reveal truths about the physical world? Yes, science never produces certainty, but induction on observations of physical phenomena has BTFOed attempts to deduce the laws of nature time and time again. Why is this? Evil demon deceiving the human race by presenting a consistent set of physical laws whenever we look closely but secretly reverting to demon magic when we look away?

To me it seems like an overly aggressive reaction to scientism combined with a massive dose of cope by midwits who failed calculus and maintain their self-esteem with the fact that they've read some old books which "bugman physicists" haven't.

inb4 soijaks. Cope harder.

>> No.13417571 [View]
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>that that had had to have had

>> No.12013220 [View]
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Why do faggot parents act like the Harry Potter books are a legitimate occultist handbook like damn it makes me want to write a children’s book that ACTUALLY introduces children to occult concepts, like a real naughty tucked under the pillow & read all night sort of book

>> No.9392508 [View]
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How can you get any more post-modern than pic related? Its so confusing to outsiders governments are studying /pol/ to understand how to weaponize memes.

>> No.8962502 [View]
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but he does

>> No.8949926 [View]
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>fucking fight me
>also dc meetup when

This week? I'm down.

>> No.8935182 [View]
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>> No.8924754 [View]
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It's basic supply and demand, faggot. Try not living in flyover country, where plebs roam in abundance.

>Keeping a dead business model alive so that you can have a smaller selection.

Enjoy your desolate corporate future, devoid of all human interaction and quirks, friend.

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