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>> No.6486504 [View]
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>1) Critical Theory's claims about society cannot be scientifically verified. In order for something to be scientific it must be verified through trial and error (think basic scientific method). In no way can you make a claim about "white privilege" or "colonial mentality" and confirm it using verifiable evidence.
Claims made about personal experience are outside the scope of the scientific method since they aren't verifiable. Nevertheless, they are worthy of discussion.

>2) The Frankfurt School, being the main developers of Critical Theory, were mostly Jews. Walter Benjamin and Erich Fromm, in particular, littered their writings with concepts from the Jewish religion. How is it possible to assume outdated desert mythology is scientific in any way possible? And how do we know concepts form this bullshit desert mythology (aka Judaism) didn't make their way into other, more "important" Frankfurt School texts?
This is bullshit and you know it.

>3) Dialectics is bullshit reasoning. Formal logic can be proven using mathematics and computers whereas ANY dialectical method cannot.
Dialectics dates from before formal logic. It is still useful in areas where the scientific method cannot access.

>4) The Sokal Paper showed that the academy will accept anything.
Good prank. Does it prove that all critical theory is bunk? No.

>5) Deconstructionism, when taken to its logical conclusion, proposes that anything can mean anything so as long as people believe it to be true. Does that mean a banana can be an apple if most people say so?
Yes. If most people claimed that the category "apples" included bananas then bananas would be apples. This is how language works.

>6) Most "Althusserian" Marxists are rationalists in the tradition of Descartes and Spinoza even if they think logic isn't independent of history. They are frauds and liars.
Not familiar enough with this school of Marxism to comment.

>7) Freudian psychology has never been proven to be legitimate.
So? No-one takes Freud seriously anymore. Don't try and pin his coke-addled rants onto modern critical theory.

>8) Critical Theory was proven to have been pushed on the West by the USSR.
Haven't seen any evidence of this but if it is, so what? Political structures compete using any means at their disposal including ideas.


Holy shit OP you fucking faggot, you really suck at thinking. You should stop trying to promote ideas because by associating yourself with them you only bring them into disrepute. If this pile of unthought-out gibberish is what you think of as 'philosophy' you should quit. Any of the analytic philosophers I've discussed ideas with would blush to think you were trying to put yourself in their tier. Analytic philosphers pride themselves on their ability to think clearly about complex ideas, what you've done here is shit the bed and blame the stink on someone else.

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