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>> No.21281315 [View]
File: 1.80 MB, 4000x4000, SugarFire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does animal life exist? You exist because animals catalyze entropy by reducing the potential chemical energy of glucose from plants faster and more efficiently than random fires do. That's it. That's the sole fucking reason you exist. You, like every other animal, exist solely to catalyze entropy. That is your purpose, that is the natural justification of your life, identical to that of any rat, pig, squirrel or shrew.

Do your words change this purpose? Are you going to argue your way out of that meatbag and fight the laws of physics? Remind me, meatbag. What purpose does your humanistic egotism serve beyond as a form of delusional masturbation to cope with the fact that you're a fucking bag of meat. That's it. You fuck. You're a bag of meat. You make more bags of meat. Why? Because bags of meat increase entropy in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, thus it is contrary to the laws of physics for life to fail to exist when it is otherwise capable of existing.

>> No.20110432 [View]
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Philosophy at this point is just pandering to the peasants looking for some comfort from the cold facts of reality that remind them that little bags of meat and water are as trivial as ants. It's just fantasy and delusion, no different than transgenderism.

Philosophy attempted to replace religion as a means to indoctrinate people to pursue self-betterment and labor, but it ultimately just created a bunch of entitled fucks who demand fee shit because of imaginary "rights" spoonfed to them by the philosophers who learned that pandering to idiots makes them way more friends and way more money than telling people the truth.

As a "philosopher", let me tell you, 99% of people can't read. The 1% of people who read anything generally refuse to read phlosophy because it is empirically and pragmatically worthless. The 0.01% of people who read philosophy do so in order to find which ball-fondling philosopher will pander to their basal delusions of grandeur and entitlement the most, then they will attack you and condemn you if you tell them the truth.

Don't think too much. Thinking is a disease, and it's why the species is sick. No other animals think. If you're the odd man out, you're probably in the wrong. Most people are expected to "think" but have no real capacity to do this, it's like trying to run some basic calculation program on a computer that can't calculate 3 digit addition, let alone relate any legitimate measurements of reality to the processes which produces these results.

I've got anger issues, and I get upset when other people talk, so I become verbally abusive. This makes me unpopular. The only way to be successful as a writer is to put the balls of the peasant in your mouth and suck them until their scrotum bleeds, then you subsist of the small amount of sustenance offered to you by that pittance of blood coming from the peasants balls.

I enjoy writing, but it seems pointless without any audience. I'm just too violent and abusive for the audience, and they become upset, angered, or upset that somebody would dare do anything beyond coddle them. If you're good at coddling and pandering, then you can try philosophy, otherwise pick STEM, since the ignorance and delusions of the peasants aren't capable of contesting science the way they are capable of contesting the baseless and subjective competitions of subjectivity that define philosophy. When you can't actually defeat peasants with philosophy, it's worthless. At least science can cripple and maim peasants.

Call me an edgelord, a 14-year-old, and I'll remind you that I don't give a fuck. If I was the type of person to prostrate myself before the criticisms of other people, I would be a spineless subhuman like the fucking cuddle-puddle of subhumanism that defines Western Idealism. I enjoy the hatred, because it means I'm not one of you.

Sadly, 3k says "this ends here".. Hate, hate, hate.

>"certainty brings insanity"

Reality is certainty, thus I am insane

>> No.20046101 [View]
File: 1.80 MB, 4000x4000, SugarFire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Act with respect to the fact that the purpose of your existence is indistinguishable from that of any other ambulatory animal.

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