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>> No.4652093 [View]
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Or in our case:

Argument simulations. Where everyone has a say, but no one has a name.

>> No.4572941 [View]
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insisted the hilarious faggot

>> No.4506163 [View]
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Why is science a religion.

Better yet, make a list of criteria as to what qualifies a religion. Point out how science shares those qualities, and tell me how other secular philosophies, like Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, etc. aren't religions (or are you going to tell me they are too.)

Also tell me what the word secular is even for, if a secular philosophy is really just a Godless religion, as you suggest.

And once you're done, please elaborate on how all of this is SO OBVIOUS. Is my child just supposed to "wake up" and have all this occur to him one day, without any external prompting from institutions and authorities?

>> No.4491912 [View]
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>mass manunfactured, pumped out by machines
Doesn't explain that how invalidates it. The initial copy of something to-be-manufactured is still painstakingly designed. Not to mention the machines that do the manufacturing, which are arguably a form of art themselves. Inb4 "Waah, STEM majors make them, it's not art."
> pumped out by autists on websites
Sweeping generalization there, anonymous. Also, artist and autist are only one letter removed. This is a linguistic convenience, but there's an easy joke to make here, especially considering the stereotype that artists are broody and disconnected.

> pumped out by amateurs clinging onto aesthetic memes.

Everyone starts out an amateur, and aesthetic memes are universal. Hell, a medium is an aesthetic meme. It only took one person writing down symbols on a scroll or carving a life-like form from rock for others to catch on that it was a cool/good/profitable idea. Languages are memes, memes are the basis upon which any memorable, recognizable social structure is founded, arguably.

>no devotion, no commitment, no skill
Examples. Elaborate.

Programming, for example, is a modern art form (among other things) that can create entire simulated worlds for the consumers of art, and is arguably one of the most commitment-requiring forms of creation ever... created.

Like, try to get ankle-deep in any of the professions involved in making modern art like video games or movies. Especially ones that go beyond concept art, storyboard, dialogue stuff.

I mean programming, animation, 3d modeling...

> to create art is to capture a feeling

Maybe, to some...

> a certain subjectivity that is objective

Like a certain pregnancy that is barren?

> no fucking shmuck with a liberal arts degree in printing is going to achieve that.

1. There's far more avenues for artists than that, and you know this.

2. Printing is just that: Printing. In medieval times (after all, you are talking about "these days" which means you likely imagine that this pandemic of bad art is somehow exclusive to recent generations) people did that as their sole profession too.

They sat all day and scraped hides for parchment or bleached the hides or cut it, or sat in window-lit rooms and illuminated manuscripts with many others, like an office job.

3. Art is something so vague and universal that can be "good" regardless of university credentials. Those only supplement an artist career-wise, and give the artist an avenue for apprenticeship and working with peers.

>I think commercialism and postmodernism perverted what art was supposed to be. a broad statement, but I stand by it

Those only pervert art to the degree that you let them bother you. Whenever I've done anything creative in my life, I've given a rats ass about whatever "postmodernism" is or anything that came before it. I just do things based on ideas I have. Period. As for the big, bad "commercialism" it's mostly made the means of art more widely available.

>> No.4469462 [View]
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Shamus Vinegar wasn't about to let a bunch of party sluts and party douchebags stop him from conquering the world with his new form of continental philosophy, regardless of how much more fun they had than him on a daily basis.

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