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>> No.11856011 [View]
File: 474 KB, 437x651, two indigo roses for leibniz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the force that through the green fuse drives the flower
i like this line and it so happened i had a picture to go with it.

>Imagine a Christ-figure in the age of the digital image. PewDiePie x 1,000,000,000
my body: ready

seriously though we need this. philosophy is not even remotely dead right now, there are Elder Chaos Gods of unimaginable meme-power waking up all over the place for continental wonks to lose their minds thinking about. my own tiny electric lump didn't come equipped with math, science or tech modules so all i can really do is shitpost hysterically about continentals and hope it percolates something interesting for the next bunch of philosophers to do something interesting with.

>I don't like Jodorowsky but I like what he said about his vision for Dune, he wanted to create a techno-cinematic god with Atreides.
herbert is wickedly underrated. and the jodorowsky film is one of those landmarks of cinematic hubris, perhaps like gilliam's don quixote or kubrick's napoleon, famous for implying that we still do not yet know what *cinema* can do. imagine giving wagner the tools of modern film.
>or not

i'm ready for a techno-cinematic god. villeneuve's dune film should be cool. but i mean we are going to get (and have already gotten) MMO-worlds that will go places even the 20C could not dream of. imagine six-month paid vacation-adventure-quests in VR scripted by writers, with all of the modern effects and tech wizardry. the 40K universe is already one of the most magnificent SF settings ever created, all that is required is more fidelity, graphics, music, the rest. virtuality has no upper limit.

>I wouldn't be surprised if we take a detour through an age of pop gods, stretching that virtual shadow people cast as far as it carries.
what do you mean?

>Are you familiar with Scott Bakker? You should really read Prince of Nothing dude. It's like Landian sci-fi.
yeah, i read his philosophy blog every now and again. BBT is interesting stuff, over time it dovetails well with metzinger & buddhism and other things i go to when i start to get a little too wired for sound thinking about hyperstition. never read any of his fiction, but i basically got into continental philosophy wonderland v/trying to write fantasy fiction myself, so i think i can sort of understand where he's coming from.

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