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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14939071 [View]
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Rare footage of geunonfag right now.

>> No.14351155 [View]
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>> No.9906287 [View]
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>> No.9172083 [View]
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I'll take you seriously if you provide a better criticism of his short story, or if you really contribute anything besides simply calling me myopic and off the mark.

Actually, I'll throw you a bone anyway.
Characters have characteristics by definition. They only change if circumstances force them to, which is the central plot to a great many stories. This is not to say that writers need to stick with archetypes and cliches, but when the author claims a character is one way, and then narrates him being another way that stands in contradiction, that change needs to be explained, or else, ironed out.

In the same way, descriptors like "bookish" carry heavy connotations to a reader, along with the character's admission that he lives with his parents. If the bookworm is somehow outgoing and flirtatious enough to get a (taken) girl's number, this tension needs to be explained in the prose. Alternatively, it needs to be painted into his character from much earlier on.

People generally are consistent. We follow certain patterns on a regular basis. We are allowed, of course, to break those patterns, but just as you would describe your friend as "acting weird" on occasion when he breaks from your expectations of him, characters in novels can act weird. Without explanation, this leaves a sense of disbelief or tension within the reader.

>> No.8504199 [View]
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since you /r9k/fags were self aware enough to distance your selves from your shitstreaked hovel and then bring said shitstreaks to try to shit up our board, you might as well learn something.
What about dedicating yourself to the care of that "extreme-and-constant-existential-pain" and pulling yourself out of it after 2 months. I mean really work on yourself. read books. eat fruit. dont jack off so much. and while you're doing the not jacking off part, with your free hand you can try to write some near schizophrenic free verse that no one is going to read anyway. but the point is that its a step in the right direction. to freeing yourself from "existential pain".
Also look up the definition of existentialism and learn the word so you don't have to use it to describe things.

if you want. i'm just a guy on the internet.

>> No.7422673 [View]
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i just started reading it yesterday and i'm halfway through. I think its good for what it is. a western i guess. its fast paced enough and has the bare minimum of what i need (senseless violence and arbitrarily detailed imagery) to keep reading instead of putting it down and masturbating.

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