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>> No.17595441 [View]
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>Christ personally established His Church Himself
>through Peter

>> No.16740818 [View]
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>> No.16620169 [View]
File: 166 KB, 1000x1200, 17D6DBAC-4747-436C-A5D4-93922ED73AD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be enlightened
>still conflicted at the idea of wanting sex

>> No.15968071 [View]
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>i get that you are defending young earth creationism
Woah woah woah, hold up, no I'm not. Where the fuck did you get that from? I never even brought that or anything even slightly related to that up. Allow me to repeat myself for those not paying attention, someone said "the Big Bang was just all space and energy compressed to a single point" so I asked them what the term "point" in that statement is supposed to be defined as.

>am i just taking the bait here or something?
No you're just kind of an idiot, evidently. As if the only two options for where the universe came from is 'big bang' or 'jesus' and if I don't jump up in the fucking air to show my enthusiasm for one I must clearly be defending the other. You simpleton. You fucking buffoon.

>> No.12768726 [View]
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Alright, follow my logic here. If we know what something is, we can test it. We need to know what it is, what it's made of, how it works, everything we can possible know about it. Why? Because we need to know exactly what the differences are between the test group, and control group. Any difference unaccounted for skews the results. If you want to test how light affects something, you need to be absolutely god damn sure that the only difference between test and control groups is the light.

Now, what the fuck is Ki? What is it made of? Where does it come from? See, the problem with this study, just like many others, is that they're trying to prove it cures cancer before they bother to prove it exists in the first place.

In this study, Ki is vaguely defined as "energy". The problem here is that we know what energy is and we know what forms in can take. There is no 100% perfect method of energy conversion, which means any form of energy 'generation' converts a small amount of the energy used as a resource into unintended byproducts. Light bulbs produce heat, a gunshot makes a noise, etc. So, why is it that they didn't even bother to detect the generation of any other kind of energy during this test? Is the human body, during the process of Ki production, literally the only thing in the entire universe capable of 100% perfect energy conversion? If not, what other energies were generated? What if one of those energies was responsible for the test results instead of Ki? Or what if it's one of an incalculable number of other variables they didn't account for because they couldn't, since Ki hasn't actually been discovered nor rigidly defined yet?

Are you picking up what I'm putting down? This is why these studies, like millions of others, are trash masquerading as science.

>> No.12218731 [View]
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Books for this feel?

>> No.12214902 [View]
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Books for this feel?

>> No.12199067 [View]
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