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>> No.4514583 [View]
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>As far as these cultists or robot worshipers you rail against, I can't find any evidence they exist, ...

Lurk more! Then get annoyed at the crazy people.

Different guy, but just go over to /sci/ or /pol/ and ask about transhumans. Tech will stop all death and grant superpowers to all. As for the Robo-Jesus forgiving sins, the usual reply is that that is impossible as sin doesn't exist to start with so it can't be forgiven. But tech will preform many miracles, often including solving all government problems leading to a post scarcity Utopia of some kind. They never actually give any details on how this will work but defer it to an as of yet to be built A.I. will figure out the solutions to our problems.

The kind of stuff I keep running into goes so far beyond optimism it falls squarely under total delusion. What annoys me even more is a surprising number of them work in many of these advanced fields. One would think someone who makes A.I. for a living would understand the problems with making such a perfect A.I.

As our tech becomes harder to distinguish from magic, more and more seem to treat it as if it is magic. Which leads to crazy expectations. i.e. Why spend effort caring about the habitability of our planet when we can just use our tech to settle other planets?

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