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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6437788 [View]
File: 42 KB, 329x500, under_the_volcano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


has been on my list for ages. might bump it up because of this post. good taste etc.

pic related would be my rec to /lit/.
anon should read it asap. it's a masterpiece.

>> No.6315322 [View]
File: 42 KB, 329x500, 1book_under_the_volcano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did Yvonne actually slut it up with Laruelle and Hugh? Or was that only paranoia from the drunkenness and delirium

And, if so, why did she return?

Also, malcolm lowry thread in general

>> No.5366058 [View]
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>> No.4474892 [View]
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Alright, since I know there are a lot of wanna be Joyces and Hemingways and (insert great writer here with s at the end)

How does /lit/ get over writers block?

I'm storyboarding something right now, and I have to figure out how to push it from the second act to the third act. Not looking for specific advice pertaining to my shit, because I won't post it on here, but how/ where do you guys get your best ideas?

I carry a notebook on me wherever I go.And if I think of anything from a quote to an idea for a story I jot it down.

When I was in University I would write in my notebook during lectures rather than taking notes. Then I was like fuck a liberal arts degree and dropped out.

picture has little to do with subject. Though I did enjoy the book.

>> No.2171906 [View]
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Fellow literates and alcoholics,
today is the Día de los Muertos, the Mexican Day of the Dead, where Under the Volcano takes place. How do you celebrate?

>> No.1837379 [View]
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>> No.1726118 [View]
File: 42 KB, 329x500, under-the-volcano[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weather is bloomin marvellous so head out to the park to read
>sitting under the shade of a tree and a girl walks past
>sits down next to me and asks me what i'm reading
>Under the Volano by Malcolm Lowry, but i'm almost finished
>she giggles and tells me that's funny whilst placing her hand on my leg (wut)
>i try to move away but she sites next to me and i can feel her breath in my ear
>begins to tell me how much she loves literature, and hates people who read shit like Twilight
>tell her that taste is subjective and she shouldn't be so quick to judge books she obviously hasn't read
>she guffaw's loudly in my ear and lights up a cigarette
>asks me if i want one and i say no i don't like cancer thank you very much
>begins to tell me about how she listens to avant garde jazz to be 'ironic' and that her fav book is Dante's Inferno
>inform her she misused the term 'ironic' and also that if she didn't read the Divine Comedy in it's entirety she's a casual
>she gets offended and tells me her other favourites include fantasy books such as A Son-
>stop her there and inform her that if she's wants to escape reality she should just kill herself.
>tell her i have to leave and she tries to give me her number
>politely take it as she kisses me on the cheek
>go home to bleach my skin and give her number to a homeless man, telling him the piece of paper is a lottery ticket.
>vomit on him and apologise.

So what does /lit/ think about Under the Volcano? 50 pages left and would definitely recommend to everyone.
pic related, it's the book

>> No.1701172 [View]
File: 42 KB, 329x500, 51Bi8hBfkAL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's beautiful outside so head out to read my book, head to a nice little cafe
>reading Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry
>as i sit down a girl holding a rather large book comes and talks to me
>asks if she can sit next to me
>she does anyway.
>she asks me what i'm reading and i tell her
>ask her what she's reading
>Don Quixote
>almost spit my milkshake out as my body begins to seize from laughter
>ask her why she's reading it
>it's a classic
>tell her it puts the 'ass' in classic
>asks me what i think of her favourite book 'Lolita'
>tell her it's an overrated piece of shit straight from the perverted thoughts of a paedophile
>she looks a little upset and tells me she was molested as a child
>she tells me that her 'guilty pleasure' is Terry Pratchett
>i gently remind her that he has Alzheimers and wants to commit suicide, and the reason he's making so many TV adaptations is so he can donate to them and die quicker
>tell me the escapist fantasy helped after her mum died
>laugh and tell her to stop being such a pussy
>i'm getting bored now so snort a line of cocaine
>as i feel the high setting in i slap the girl with the back of my hand and attempt to leave
>i vomit everywhere
>she shoves her number into my hand and tells me to call her
>throw my phone into the oncoming path of a bus in my euphoric haze
>come home to post on /lit/

anyways what does everyone think of Under the Volcano? really getting into it now, even though i'm only 80 or so pages in!
pic related it's the book (but not my edition)

>> No.753809 [View]
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>> No.414894 [View]
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not first book, but first thread I made
3rd day of /lit/s existence, when I recall it correctly

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