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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18439569 [View]
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Reminder that all Beat literature started with this man. Henry Miller imitated him first then the rest of the beats followed his lead 20 years later

>> No.18313886 [View]
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>> No.17628205 [View]
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French language describes misery better

>> No.17434639 [View]
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Start with his first novel and Henry Miller's first novel- this is where the beats originated from and imo nobody ever topped Journey to the End of Night

>> No.17421343 [View]
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Death on the installment plan. Starts with 60 pages of excellent storytelling then devolves into 400 pages of schizophrenic rambling. It's still decent

>> No.17393177 [View]
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Thoughts on this super-cancelled author? I like his first 2 novels very much but don't know much about the rest

>> No.16837403 [View]
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He will finally get his due

>> No.14614535 [View]
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All literature of 2nd half of the 20th century sprung from this man.

>> No.11489311 [View]
File: 40 KB, 400x600, Celine0j4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>France hates instinctively everything that prevents it from giving herself to the niggers. France wants them, really wants them. Good for her! Let's go! through the Jew and the mongrel, all its story behind is just a crazy ride to Haiti. What ignoble walk from the Celts to Zazou! From Vercingetorix to Gunga Diouf. That's all! Everything is there! The rest is nothing but farce and talk. France dies from the desire of becoming black, I find it quite right, march, packed with mongrels. They really make me laugh when they tell me there are 5 or 800,000 Jews in France! The Joke! Only Saint-Louis, the elect, baptized 800,000 all at once in Narbonense! Do you think they have had any offspring? Another 50 years old and there will be not even a Frenchman, who is not a mongrel of something : arabic, armenoid, bicoid, polaccoid ... And clearly "french" 100,000 times more than you and me. The "patriotic" arrogance is always in proportion to hybridization.

What did France's greatest author mean by this?

>> No.10236355 [View]
File: 40 KB, 400x600, Céline-Louis-Ferdinand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Voyage to the end of the night by Céline, The social contract by Rousseau and Candide by Voltaire.
Which one /lit/ ? Also, do you prefer Rousseau or Voltaire ? Do you like Céline's works ?

>> No.10043838 [View]
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The ideally, truly cleaned-up Human, about whom all of the literary artists nowadays seemingly want to write, is a robot. Any Robot, let us note, can be rendered as brilliant, as shiny, as rationalized, and as streamlined, with “clean lines,” as is desired, as well as most perfectly elegant, according to the tastes of the day. The Robot is destined to become the centerpiece of the Palace of Discovery… It is he who is the end-all and be-all of so much civilizing “rationalistic” effort…admirably Naturalistic and objective (the Robot occasionally becomes intoxicated, however! the sole human trait of the Robot at this time)… Ever since the Renaissance there has been this tendency to work with everincreasing enthusiasm towards the advent of the Kingdom of the Sciences and the Social robot.


The Renaissance splendidly paved the way, through its Judaic fanaticism and its worship of the pre-scientific, for this stinking evolution towards all things seamy. This catastrophic promotion of all the world’s castrati into the Kingdom of the Arts… As a cultural manifestation of the “boys from the Freemasonic laboratories, and as claptrap even more bound-up, more constricted than Positivism, naturalism has since the Renaissance carried forth the same gigantic stupidities, the same calamitous prejudice in favor of
the ultimate power of vapidity. This trick has not fallen on a deaf Jewish ear…

Sterile, conceited, destructive, swinish, and monstrously megalomaniacal, the Jews are currently accomplishing, to full capacity, and under the same standard as their conquest of the world, the degradation, the monstrous crushing, and the systematic and total annihilation of our most natural emotions as conveyed in all of our essential, instinctive arts, in music, painting, poetry, theater… Replacing Aryan emotion with the Nigger’s tom-tom.

Surrealism, an extension of naturalism, is art for hateful robots, an instrument of Jewish despotism, swindle and imposture… As an extension of imbecilic naturalism, and as the rod and pruning shears of the Jewish eunuchs, surrealism is the registry of our emotional disenfranchisement…the ground for our hecatomb, our communal mass grave for idolatrous Aryan cretins, duped and cuckolded on a cosmic scale… And then it’s an entirely done deal! admirably done…for mugs like us!… At surrealism’s door, long quivering with impatience, with reductionism, and with objectivism, to all of its degrees, all or nearly all of our great writers ceaselessly hone themselves down to the infinitesimal, to the loss of that “jingling bell,” to the loss of the very last bit of substance. Were they to continue to handle themselves somewhat badly, were they to apply themselves to fantasy, were they to be drawn into idealism or romanticism, there are those who would immediately and fatally so smooth them out, after so many analyses, as to put them on their way towards surrealism…

>> No.9557046 [View]
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> Fuck you

>> No.9324298 [View]
File: 40 KB, 400x600, céline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Med Student that's normally from /fit/ here.

I'm looking for good lit written by doctors, about doctors or both to fill my late night shifts at a smelly hospital.

Preferably novels or plays (no poetry, even though I know there are a lot of fantastic poets who were doctors, like Schiller), and if you can recommend a good translation in french it would be nice too. :)

Here are some examples of things I've read and would like more of:

Céline - Mort à Crédit
Jules Romains - Knock
Boulgakov - Carnets d'un jeune médecin (éd. Folio Poche)


>> No.8992482 [View]
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>All Quiet on the Western Front
came to post this. I guess Journey to The End of The Night, too

>> No.8840904 [View]
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Most contemporary literature is shit, and most of the best writers have historically been far-right. Name a lefty writer who is within miles of Dostoevsky or Celine. You can't.

>> No.7493769 [View]
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>> No.7239271 [View]
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Y a-t-il des français qui traînent ici ? Si oui, postez vos textes !

Sorry for making foreign threads but there isn't one decent literature board in french on the internet right now. We definitely should make one.

>> No.7138427 [View]
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Alors la voiture s'est arrêtée devant un de ces avions modernes, pas chaleureux, non, et puis trop gros. Ils ne les font plus à taille humaine, les avions. Le type de la CIA nous attendait avec un sourire pas sincère. D'ailleurs il n'y a que des couches de pourriture, au fond, sous la politesse de ces gens-là. " Bonjour, docteur Pavel " qu'il me dit, le type de la CIA, " vous ne pouvez pas inviter d'amis ". " C'est pas mes amis " je lui ai répondu, piqué, " et puis d'abord j'en ai plus, moi, des amis; ça vous passe ". Alors on y est monté, dans leur avion. Ils m'ont fait asseoir devant, mais je les entendais qui torturaient les autres qu'ils avaient capturé, derrière moi. Les américains aussi, ils torturent, que je me suis dit. Après tout c'est un sport qui ne passe pas de mode. Ils ont tiré des coups de feu pour les impressionner. Ca n'a pas eu l'air de marcher. Enfin tout de même, il y en a un qui s'est mis à parler. Il avait la voix de Monsieur Grangeard, qui était venu à la clinique quelques fois pour son cancer de la gorge. Ils se sont mis à discuter.
" Tout le monde s'en foutait, de moi... avant que je mette le masque...
- Eh quoi ! si je vous l'enlevais, le masque, vous en crèveriez ?
- C'est que ce serait très douloureux.. oui... extrêmement douloureux monsieur...
- Vous êtes un grand gaillard !
- POUR VOUS ! " qu'il a hurlé, le type avec la voix de Monsieur Grangeard.
Le reste, je ne m'en souviens pas. On m'a raconté ensuite que l'avion s'était écrasé, on m'a dit que j'en avais bien eu, de la chance, d'avoir survécu. Le reste de mes souvenirs est passé vers la nuit, tout au bout... comme nous autre aussi, et puis tout le reste, un jour...

>> No.6967190 [View]
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>Hated Céline's prose so much I didn't even finish the Journey
>Read it in french

please throw your most odorating feces at me

>> No.5849420 [View]
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I read Journey to the End of the Night this year, I thought it had its moment, but that it didn't really live up to the hype.

Are his other novels worth reading and if so, which ones would you e/lit/ists recommend?

>> No.5076064 [DELETED]  [View]
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“Philosophizing is simply one way of being afraid, a cowardly pretense that doesn't get you anywhere.”

>> No.4990185 [DELETED]  [View]
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What is the most badass writer of your country ?

Céline running for France obviously, especially because of the energy of his anti-semitic writings.

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