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>> No.11718308 [View]
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By "it" I mean "paleoconservatives", i.e. conservatives who dissent from Buckley's horseshit.


>Conservatism by its very nature can never be aggressive and when faced with the social justice of liberalism it crumbles away more and more.

Francisco Franco and the Konservative Revolution disprove that.

>> No.11575534 [View]
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Hey! Thanks for clicking the thread! It's about books on social conservatism. By all means, post titles, and feel free to discuss.

Here are some I suggest

>The Abolition of Man
This brief essay by C.S. Lewis doesn't go into depth on social conservative issues, but if you are new to social conservatism or lack a lot of time, it's a sound work to start with. Lewis does an excellent job of articulating conservative objections to the basis of progressive morality.

>The Natural Family: A Manifesto
By this I don't mean the fifteen-page pamphlet available online, but the 200-page book. Put out by the World Congress of Families, this gives a great overview of socially conservative thought in opposition to classical liberal philosophy. It provides lots of great studies as well, and a lengthy political platform!

>Sexual Desire
In this work, Sir Roger Scruton furnishes a sophisticated argument for a sexual morality beyond mere consent, asserting that perversions such as homosexuality degrade the act by undermining its ethical value.

>On Divorce
Written by Louis de Bonald, a political comrade of Joseph de Maistre, this is a critical work on the ontology of family, written to explain the grave harm divorce (which Bonald opposed the legalization of) wrecks on society. Bonald's incisive understanding of society would prove to be a major influence on French sociology.

>> No.11570172 [View]
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Trying to pretend The Philosophy of Right transcends left v. right, is hipster nonsense. The work is extremely, overtly political. Just because it happens to be by a philosopher who uses wordsalads made of jargon in his other work (sometimes to the point of being a charlatan), doesn't mean his political theory is "2 deep 4 right or left". Drop your need to feel superior to both.

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