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>> No.19955864 [View]
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Years ago I learned French, but I never really used it. I learned it not because I wanted to but because I was compelled to learn it. So after my mandatory seven years of a foreign language, I knew French and had no opportunities to use it. I was too poor and financially dependent on my parents to travel to France, not to mention I would dread being in a foreign country alone. It had not yet occurred to me that I could use my French by reading French novels. I did use it by watching some French cinema, with French subtitles to help a little, but that wasn't really cutting it. I wanted someone to talk to, or to at least talk in French to someone.

I'd finally had enough and all this pent-up Frenchness started to leak out. At work I decided to quit speaking English and only speak in French. My colleagues thought it was a very dedicated joke for the first hour or two. They would ask me a question or just converse with me and I would respond in French. When they asked what was going on I made it very clear to them I was only speaking French from now on. Some of them laughed it off, but after the second hour some of them became concerned.

My superior came by and said, "Uh, so what is this, uh, this French thing about? People are worried about you." I tried to tell him in French that I am only speaking in French from now on, but it didn't really get through to him. I could see a little bit of fear in his eyes. They all thought I had gone mad, and really I had, something escaped from, but it couldn't be put back. So I pulled up a conversation app on my phone and spoke into it so it could translate for him. I also explained this is the first and last time I will use this translation device to communicate. After this I will only speak in French and people will just have to get used to it.

It was difficult at first. I would express myself but no one would understand. I had to make use of pantomime, pointing at objects, and emphasis. Whenever possible I used French loan words so they could intuit the meaning of what I was saying. But gradually people began to pick up on what I was saying, bit by bit.

For instance, when people didn't understand what I was saying and would ask, "What does that mean?", I would strongly emphasize the phrase "Qu'est-ce que ca veut dire? Ca veut dire..." and then would proceed to pantomime, gesture, or point at what it meant. People picked up on this. They stopped asking me "What does that mean?" and started asking "Qu'est-ce que ca veut dire?"

So slowly but surely my colleagues picked up on these tiny phrases and bits of language. After about 3 months they knew the basic vocabulary for objects around the work place, they knew how to refer to themselves as individuals or a group, and could even formulate some basic conversational sentences such as "Bonjour, ca va?" or "Il fait beau, non?"

>> No.18979674 [View]
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize if this question has been asked and answered a thousand times before but, is Becketts Trilogy a good way to be introduced to his writing?

>> No.18905518 [View]
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>> No.18148489 [View]
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>I’d rather be in France during war, than Ireland in peace.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17409998 [View]
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can i get a rundown on samuel beckett? is he worth reading or is he one of those 'big for their time but not really relevant anymore' authors? thinking about reading him because he is a cool looking dude

>> No.17345686 [View]
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Post your favorite works of the stage. I’ve recently enjoyed Pinter’s “The Homecoming,” Mishima’s “Madame de Sade,” and Anne Carson’s translations of Euripides (“Grief Lessons.”)

>> No.17345630 [View]
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, 7DB75C47-35D1-4B68-9DEB-030EE374B49F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I can’t imagine how much it would suck to be stupid. Being only able to grasp the dim outlines of concepts... only able to regurgitate what other, smarter brains have convinced you is true... then falling on your face in shame when the profundity of your ignorance is laid bare to the mockery and patronizing smiles of your betters. I can understand why midwits turn to extremist, reactionary ideologies: they offer comfort, security, a narrative of grievance, the promise of retribution. It’s nothing but cope.

As painful and depressing as it is to have 150 certified IQ, it must be only more so to be a midwit. Perhaps only the true retards are actually happy.

>> No.15776920 [View]
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Oh look, a new buffoon is making the rounds.

>> No.15452991 [View]
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, samuel-beckett-9204239-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samuel Beckett - La Mouche

Entre la scène et moi
la vitre
vide sauf elle

ventre à terre
sanglée dans ses boyaux noirs
antennes affolées ailes liées
pattes crochues bouche suçant à vide
sabrant l’azur s’écrasant contre l’invisible
sous mon pouce impuissant elle fait chavirer
la mer et le ciel serein

>> No.15298237 [View]
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alright, wanna start reading this fellas work, but I'm not sure where to start. Right now I'm thinkin either More Pricks Than Kicks or Murphy, but is there a better place to start with him?

>> No.14854003 [View]
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>> No.11582446 [View]
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>> No.10895371 [View]
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dude life is like pointless and shit

>> No.10807550 [View]
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>Also, if the stories of Faustina's debauchery were true, we might wonder how she found the time and opportunity to carry on such a frantic sex life while bearing and raising fifteen children!

Yes, because one is not likely to get pregnant while being a massive whore.

>> No.10672955 [View]
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>he thinks gender psychologists are in the same universe as medicine

>> No.10566066 [View]
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>is this the end?

Only in your prayers

>> No.10528281 [View]
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Its a book that was and will only ever have an esoteric meaning to its author. Anyone who reads it dor edification s the epitome of a pseud.

>> No.10526182 [View]
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would that be the same military that Trump holds absolute authority over. That one?

>> No.10512209 [View]
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How would you write Waiting For Godot 2?

>> No.10349017 [View]
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>I don't get the feeling that Catholicisn is particularly important for Becketts fiction either.

Say no more pham

>> No.10208111 [View]
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Trilogy (if that doesn't count then Molloy)


Krapp's Last Tape


Waiting For Godot



>> No.9949106 [View]
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>> No.9919676 [View]
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