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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15930047 [View]
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>reading Marx in his own words
>holding him accountable for the ego-maniacal bastardization of "muh forced communism" that everyone after him created

Pick one

>> No.15832362 [View]
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these threads are 98% /lit/-meme books

>seven months into 2020
>OP has only read 18 books, half of which are thin as fuck and highschool-level material
>mfw thickest one is only 592 pgs and Hobbes

>> No.11094825 [View]
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>crying about immorality while on fucking 4chan of all places

>> No.11069882 [View]
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>I was miles ahead of people in terms of my knowledge of statistics and sports history

you are an autist, OP
try climbing down from your high horse of pseudo-superiority and you won't have such an issue

>> No.11042585 [View]
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>nobody is regurgitating baseless hate against Jews in here
>OP didn't started the thread on a book doing just that
>anti-JIDF posting isn't the go-to response of stormfags everywhere

step outside of your echo chamber for once anon, try getting a breath of fresh air
I'm only calling you idiots out because you can't seem to keep your own bullshit to yourselves. No one would tolerate /x/'s bullshit if they spammed shit about alchemy every day

>> No.11037779 [View]
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>in the popular novel Ready Player One, Wade Watts is an immature asshole
>not realizing that's the message of the book
>that in reality or in fantasy an immature asshole is always the same
>not realizing the autists that scream about degeneracy are the epitome of degenerate edge-lords still stuck in the child mentality of 'that's not fair'

>> No.11005704 [View]
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fascinating anon
10/10 response, tell me more

>> No.10986699 [View]
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>how to become a delusional idiot who defends war crimes, the image

>> No.10937491 [View]
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>this fucking guy

>> No.10921748 [View]
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>the breadth of which it may not even be possible in modern life to emulate, by regurgitating what they learned from their six (more likely two) years of philosophy classes taught by modernity-raped intelligentsia who have mentally masturbated themselves into intellectual-impotence and endless cycles of obfuscation for the past four centuries, resulting in achieving only the most vapidly epidermal misunderstanding of the primary texts but there's no one to call them out on their bullshit so they keep teaching for the rest of their life since hey, I deserve tenure and it feels great to babysit all of the spoiled bourgeois faggots who eat everything I say up

well said anon

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