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>> No.16363371 [View]
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Personally, I feel the degradation of institutions has really set me free.
Not to go into specifics but I've spent a lot of time in prestigious institutions, and I realize (from knowing the people directing these discussions at least on a local level, up to a national level) from recent identity politics discourse around GF's suffocation and the following protests that the whole pretense of political justice is just a flimsy cover for the children of wealthy black people to secure themselves some cush positions at NGOs, to add points to their CV, to garner ever more elite institutional accolades.
There's a prestigious award given out by schools of this profession that has been established since like the 1910s, it was meant to go to the top 10% or so of students based on academic achievement. Obviously I'm never up for something like that being as I'm a retard who posts on the channel, but some good friends of mine were gunning for it from day 1. Some were even set up pretty well to get it.
But- our student government, of which the minority are white people who by requirement are "out and proud" gay, elected to change the requirements for this award. Now, it goes to the student who has shown the most "community leadership" and "advocacy," with bonus points for kids from minorities. surprise surprise, our resident "black voices" (rich black girls from good schools who have built their career thus far out of pushing the affirmative action buttons) get the award. Friends are pissed and dismayed. I would find it funny if I didn't care about these dudes.
So they changed the prize so they could get the prize. The meaning of the prize was lost on them.
This is one small section of a major trend I see in academia and the institutions in america we formerly believed were important and reputable.
From my school I could go one of two ways. I could serve communities, or I could try to make money. You'll have to take my word for it that I showed up fully intending to go serve communities who needed me, but now I will be cynically figuring out whatever way I can to make as much money off this retarded system as possible, because I owe them nothing, I know they don't do anything they claim to do, and would fuck me over immediately given the chance.
I'm not the only one too. Each of these brilliant dudes who was going for this big academic prize, guarantee you this left an impression. I know from conversations that it has affected their career priorities.
Let the fuckers have their decaying institutions, pat each other on the back, cling to titles and the trappings of power.
It will keep them occupied while I pillage.

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