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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8249440 [View]
File: 675 KB, 720x642, woodlily-redlily-rockymountainlily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poetry is literature, literature is written. not all rap is written. or we can ignore that and say something about greeks blah blah oral blah blah, yeah we get it. "literature" implies some sort of lasting credit or "higher" merit. rap doesn't have a superior merit. "but that's subjective!" yeah i guess technically you can say that, but if you can read shakespeare next to idk denzel curry or some "art" rapper like that pseud milo and say "yeah these are similar" i think that says more about your character than it does about whether rap is poetry or not. waste of time arguing this because muh objectivity so I'm going to take the high ground and be condescending toward everything you reply to me from here on because you think rap is poetry and i think that's silly

>> No.7367913 [View]
File: 675 KB, 720x642, woodlily-redlily-rockymountainlily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much did the classical poets realized they were writing in a specific meter?
Thoroughly. They knew everything they were doing, it was all concise and nuanced.

>how much did Shakespeare realize he was using the certain meter to give his work a certain form?
He knew everything he was doing. If he deviated from perfect iambs it was for a reason.

>And how has the process of modern poetry being more free form characterized it as trying ostracize the classic forms of meter in order to indulge in differing forms of meaning?
Looser form wasn't generally an attempt to ostracize from formal structure, modernist period poets like Pound were some of the most formal yet. Free verse wasn't "free", it was simply loose. Pound, Eliot, Crane, and so on, they all knew what iambs and dactyls were, they knew what pentameter meant. They knew what effects they communicated and how to use them, and they DID still use them, just in a more free-flowing, liberated type of way. They made them tools more than many of the poets that came from before, rather than using it because it was the standard mode.

Today's poetic landscape can be attributed to Whitman and his legacy, although how exactly is somewhat nuanced and I'd rather not write you an essay while intoxicated. But yes, free verse today is less free verse and more ignorant verse, and that at least is not Whitman's fault, at least not directly.

>> No.7205661 [View]
File: 675 KB, 720x642, woodlily-redlily-rockymountainlily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castara, see that dust the sportive wind
So wantons with. It's happ'ly all you'll find
Left of some beauty. And how still it flies,
To trouble, as it did in life, our eyes.
Oh empty boast of flesh! Though our heirs gild
The far-fetch Phrigian marble, which shall build
A burden to our ashes, yet will death
Betray them to the sport of every breath.
Do you, poor relic of our frailty, still
Swell up with glory? Or is it your skill
To mock weak man, whom every wind of praise
Into the air does 'bove his centre raise?

If so, mock on. And tell him that his lust
To beauty's madness. For it courts but dust.

>> No.7085877 [View]
File: 675 KB, 720x642, woodlily-redlily-rockymountainlily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I was implying, don't be so insecure. I'm American too

>> No.7023584 [View]
File: 675 KB, 720x642, woodlily-redlily-rockymountainlily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon, Harry Potter series 1-7, they're all retail (meaning unmodified, unaltered versions of the book as if they came straight from the store) versions in .mobi format. Hope she enjoys. In the future I'd recommend looking into a program called Calibre, you can use it to convert pretty much any ebook file type to another with little inconvenience.


Wie Schade, anons. Grandad wants to do something nice for his granddaughter, and it's books at that. Respect your elders

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