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>> No.22828850 [View]
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He actually says my favorite author is "a favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter."

>> No.18904407 [View]
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Good. Waldun should be shilled.

>> No.18521480 [View]
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Reading? No thanks.

>> No.17432723 [View]
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Gigachad the chad says "morality is nature"

>> No.17054512 [View]
File: 33 KB, 680x794, gigachad 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I count individual poems as individual books on goodreads. How could you tell?

>> No.16091154 [View]
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Vikings sailed to pillage elsewhere precisely because they didn't have enough available resources.

>> No.15560939 [View]
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>> No.15490894 [View]
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Sorry, I'm not into astronomy for nerds

>> No.15191357 [View]
File: 33 KB, 680x794, D9HhRd2U4AAq4tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote it because the girl was hot and I wanted to have sex with her

>> No.14731495 [View]
File: 33 KB, 680x794, ernest khalimov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP. I believe this phenomenon is related to choice paralysis. There has never been so much abundance of information, of media available to us at our fingertips. I too feel FOMO, the drive to consoom as fast as I can, to be more informed than your peers. But one would believe that having such a plethora of choices would mean that we would be able to enjoy this newfound freedom while nothing could be farther from the truth. Most people end up wasting time in trivialities (I'll admit I'm guilty of this too), instead of informing themselves. Too much info, too little time, so why bother? My suggestion to curb this behavior is to apply very strict filters on what content is worthy of our attention and which isn't. We need charts that list which media is the best of its medium and genre and worth consuming. We have to realize that there's less than 1000 movies worth watching, less than 300 books worth reading and less than 200 videogames worth playing. Parceling out these pieces of media over time (say only watching 1 movie per day, as I've been doing since the beginning of the year), should also be encouraged

>> No.14611651 [View]
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No. I believe in Cycles instead

>> No.14576491 [View]
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>Why not?

>> No.14369907 [View]
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Don't fall into that trap anon. Society has conditioned you (and everyone else) to base their entire worth on how much they can provide to the system. Man is so much more than a mere cog in some infernal machine that wishes to dehumanize, to crush the human soul. Don't fall into the trap of believing your worth as a person can be measure by how much money you can make to some faceless corporation anon.

>> No.14273496 [View]
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I don't believe in democracy, so no.

>> No.14176333 [View]
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The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

>> No.14175961 [View]
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Verily, I believe we are all responsible for doing our part in raising the level of discourse on this board. Regarding my opinion on Candide, I believe it's an entertaining bildungsroman on its own that however, tries very hard to hammer in the fact that German Idealism as proposed by Leibniz is wrong. It also serves as light social commentary from the society of Voltaire's time, from Candide's native Germany to the auto da fes in Portugal, the encomienda system in the New World and the brutal slave trade in North Africa.

>> No.14158562 [View]
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I agree with this anon, the Cultural Revolution was roughly equivalent to committing cultural Sepukku. While this did rid China of its less savory practices like foot binding or fanatical loyalty to the emperor, it also sought to purge the works of Confucius, Lao Tzi and the Peking Opera. I believe something similar happened to the other East Asian countries, such as Japan being forced to neuter itself after its defeat in WWII, S. Korea trashing its culture in exchange for soulless consumerism and N. Korea expunging anything that does not adhere to Juche ideology. A sad state of affairs for the Orient.

>> No.14158467 [View]
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I believe this has to do with the Greek conception of friendship Homer was working with. The bond between Achilles and Patroclus is explicitly that of lovers, or Erastes and Eromenos if you will. This sort of relationship was common during his time, but it implies a certain imbalance, since the participants take on different roles, one of the teacher and one of the student, while Enkidu and Gilgamesh become and see each other as equals after their duel. Furthermore, the Iliad is not entirely focused on Achilles, or any single character for that matter, but rather on the larger war that was being waged, while Gilgamesh is very much about the eponymous God-King.

>> No.13593177 [View]
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>Yeah I skipped the Greek, what gave it away ?

>> No.13472341 [View]
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>when you find a torrent and see your ebooks being downloaded instantly

>> No.13431967 [View]
File: 33 KB, 680x794, giga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She wanna meet Carti (Carti)
>That bitch is a Barbie (Barbie)
>I'mma fuck these hoes (Ooh ooh)
>I'm on 730
>A brand new pack like Kid Cudi
>I smoke dope like Kid Cudi

>> No.12872930 [View]
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Being as the uneducated and vociferous stormie you are, I will prompt you to educate yourself: The liberalization of lending money at an interest is what took us Westerners out of the Middle Ages by putting capital to productive ends that otherwise would have staid stagnant in some rich person's hands.

The only reason the you-know-who's were so powerful at some points of history is because Christian morality outlawed "usury", granting the you-know-who's had a monopoly on it, grabbing many aristocrats, kings and regular people by the balls with extremely high interest rates because of the lack of competition.

Lending at an interest is only bad when it is regulated. Whenever you talk badly of the lending at an interest you are giving the you-know-who's more power. Please stop being so oblivious and ignorant.

Also your language is completely inadequate
>a disgusting subhuman worm and deserves to be shot in the street in broad daylight like the dog he/she is.
This kind of thinking is not the one that would come from an educated white man. Get a hold of yourself. This is how an angry shitskin thinks and talks.

>> No.12858411 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 33 KB, 680x794, D802BC37-5F2E-426A-A9EF-2D7D7A030FD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*snatches book from your hands*

>Hey kid whatcha reading? I hope it’s not postmodernism.

>> No.12815724 [View]
File: 33 KB, 680x794, 2A54B440-3BB7-46C6-8641-0B5CD9F9DA30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, one more thing... my photo. I was so caught up in trying to enlighten you that it didn’t cross my mind to give you an example of what to work towards.

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