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>> No.22528404 [View]
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This is a Catholic thread, ergo, it belongs firstly to Our Lord and then, secondarily, to Our Lady.

>> No.22386346 [View]
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Luke also has the most Mary content, which is great if that's your thing.

Fun fact: it's generally assumed that Mary herself is one of Luke's primary sources, since she's the only one he could have interviewed who would know the details of the Annunciation and the Visitation.

It's possible Mary is even Q, the supposed "early source" from which Matthew, Mark, and Luke all draw.

>> No.21807416 [View]
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The Gospel of Luke.

>> No.21442883 [View]
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The focus on love is really important. That concept is so central to what it actually means to be Christian but a lot of the approaches to Christianity from the outside seem to miss it, to me.

Maybe because it sounds too "homey" or too corny, and not esoteric enough?

But you won't get anywhere as a for-real Christian without love. That's the whole point of the Incarnation.

>> No.20835277 [View]
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Okay, then, as a Catholic, should we start attacking people who insult Jesus, or who insult Mary? Should they start getting physically assaulted?

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