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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22844944 [View]
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I come here to be entertained. occasionally I'll come across a good book recommendation, but I'm really here to be entertained. /lit/ doesn't read, /lit/ was never good, and most of the board is jobless 20somethings playing cooler-than-thou or smarter-than-thou by flinging jargon and book titles at each other. if you come to /lit/ looking for serious intellectual discussion about literature you're going to be disappointed.
>but but but this one time but but but they sound so
yeah, on occasion /lit/ can be insightful. but only occasionally. you'd be better off just reading a literary magazine's criticism section or something. and yes, the posters here can give the air of intelligence, the air of authority, of knowledge, but if you know anything about the thread topic, you'll quickly notice that everyone's talking out their ass. I read a lot of poetry (medieval, Elizabethan, modern, contemporary, in translation, etc) and every single poetry thread is just retards bloviating at each other
>You also fail to mention the nuggets of genius that drop unexpected and uncontested (still shit-stained but gleaming inside) have a very peculiar quality of genuine autonomy you hardly find anywhere else.
it's just poorly understood critical theory that's smeared with right-wing seething, that's all. looks impressive if you've never encountered cultural criticism before. might sound intelligent. if you think about what they're saying for more than twenty seconds you'll realize that they're wrong

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