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>> No.12012415 [View]
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>s-should i call myself a space taoist?
i think it's fucking great, personally. i'll be posting that as pasta in all future Cosmotech threads. easily one of the single greatest (multi-)posts in the thread. Aminom Marvin crushed it.

>will the girls be impressed?
it's probably best not to ask about the status of Cosmotech Romance. but look at it this way: Uncle Nick is married to a pretty good woman and he's got two kids. if he can do it, anyone can. i doubt Based Han is a bachelor. let's check his wikipedia entry and see

>*time passes*

well, it doesn't say anything, but his Interests are completely awesome, check it out. if this man was not one of the greatest philosophers in Germany this would also be the interests of every He Was Such a Nice Boy you could name. if it said Pornography also my life would be truly complete.

>I like nick land and like the whole optimistic nihilism thing. I will read more into all of this, thanks for posting it.
aw yeah
>*smugness intensifies*

ho-lee shitballs

well, i was planning on spending tomorrow greentexting Reza, but i guess that can wait for a bit. this looks absolutely cool, thank you very kindly anon! have you read this all? thoughts? looks very neat.

some other anon wrote the following in the OP of Cosmotech #3, the one OP i didn't make:

>Dirty rundown on Land's influences:
>Bataille, Deleuze, Guattari, Nietzsche, Gödel, Burroughs, Cantor, Gibson, Reich, Marx, Schopenhauer, Crowley, Kant, Hoppe

of those the big three are Kant, Marx, and Deleuze. and also drugs. lots of drugs.

there are no coincidences on Planet Meme. all things are delicately interconnected

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