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>> No.23232329 [View]
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20% of Gen Z doesn't believe in the holocaust. ~32% of them believe in god. At some point, these will intersect.

You will have a generation where it is more common to disbelieve the holocaust than believe in god.

Two comments about this:

1. This is a vindication of something I've said, which is that holocaust "denial" has a persuasion pathway. However stigmatized it is, the facts are there and people can be convinced by it through pure reason and truth.

There is no persuasion pathway for skydaddy no.18462. It's farcially absurd, there's no evidence for it. There are more testimonies for homicidal gas chambers at dachau than there are contemporary accounts of "Jesus the Christ" and his traveling circus act.

2. "Conservatives", or "the right", or whatever you want to call the people who reject varying degrees of the predominant beliefs of your place and time - are going to have to grow up. It's not logical, but "conservatism" in the US is largely founded on the WW2 myth and a set of values around that. It's taken way too long, but it's happening.

The basic problem of "wokeism" is something that lots of people have been screaming about for a very long time. Race differences in life outcomes - why? They're persisting. 1965 was 59 years ago. It's becoming unavoidable - for a long time "conservatives" just sorta ignored the issue of biological race differences in intelligence, just don't speak on it, ignore the face that none of the "solutions" to inequality have worked. Oppose "wokeism", which takes the equality assumption seriously, which means ever more insane and draconian measures to fix the mythical "oppression" - you're getting to a point where you can't ignore it anymore, you have to start challenging the idea of biological racial equality, because it's false, absurdly so (more absurd than biblical creationism, which is coherent in it's rejection of evolution, as opposed to "woke", which accepts the mechanism that practically guarantees racial inequality, but denies it's application in one species, at one timespan, and only for differences between the averages of groups traditionally tagged as races.) and it's killing you.

And the whole WW2 narrative, you're going to have the intersect, where saying Jesus is real is more off-putting than saying the holocaust didn't happen. "Wokeists" correctly observe that Germans in the 1930s weren't that different from Trump supporters. Germans wanted Jews out of positions of influence, and "conservatives" rail against the same things - finance, anti-white and anti-nation propaganda, promotion of sexual degeneracy (up next on the docket: pedophilia), pushing the lower citizens into death wars decided upon by these "elites". Well, that's Nazi talk.

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