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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14569738 [View]
File: 679 KB, 1289x2136, mimesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>works of literature improve over time at representing reality
Isn't this the most obvious fucking thing? Or was it not so obvious at the time of writing? Nowadays we see memes rapidly improve at representing our realities in real time so maybe that's why.

>> No.11832411 [View]
File: 679 KB, 1289x2136, 91I2C3ibEaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about pic rel?

baudrillard spent most of his career on this subject, and long before him, hegel. S&S is JB's big book but i find it less interesting than System of Objects, The Consumer Society and Symbolic Exchange & Death. late baudrillard is also fun, the transparency of evil. for hegel obv the PoS.

if you want to look into the real nooks an crannies of why concepts like the Same and the One are tricky mothers indeed, deleuze's difference & repetition, although obviously he's trying to explode something more than stitch the world together. but D&R, Logic of Sense, both volumes of capitalism and schizophrenia. land/FN also if you want to get all of this absorbed by machines and cranked up to eleven.

benjamin on the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction, for what happens to art when you repeat it ad infinitum. also adorno's aesthetic theory, i suppose.

i've also had michael taussig's work recommended, it was interesting enough but didn't blow me away.

and, as i've said before...it's quite possible that the really awesome super-deluxe book on mimetics in the age of computer technology *really just hasn't been written yet!* and we're all fumbling around six inches from a truly pants-on-head retarded book all about the software programs we are conjuring into being through the magic of capital and simulation...! anyways...

i mean these are only things i've read. punch in mimesis on libgen and there's pages of it, so quite possibly the book you really want isn't in whatever i can suggest here (although i suspect auerbach will work for you, and pretty much all of these are worth reading at some point). if i think of anything else i'll post it, i'm sure there are others that i can't recall atm.

too tired to respond in detail to a substantial effortpost tonight anon but will get back to you later-ish ofc.

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