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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12460104 [View]
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What if AOC was butterfly all along?

>> No.12409727 [View]
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>be DFW
>read nothing but Stephen King and John Grisham novels
>your editor wants you to read Dostoevsky but you're too lazy to get around to it
>write "the most important novel of the last 30 years"
>be John Green
>read DFW
>write nothing but YA romance novels

>> No.12367800 [View]
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>"the meek shall inherit the earth"
>"fuck you, you dumb fucking cunt I want to rape you in all holes, murder you, and then rape you in all holes again hahaha fuck niggers and fuck the jannies"

>> No.12341418 [View]
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>Tolkien fags need not apply
>let me tell you why a guy who edited The Silmarillion is the best fantasy author ever

>> No.12276062 [View]
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>a virgin who never married
So this is what being an incel does to your brain.

>> No.12244891 [View]
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Why doesn't western/American education teach the Four Great Classical Chinese novels, the Popol Vuh, the Mahabharata, the Epic of Sundiata, The Tale of Genji, the Arabian Nights, etc. in addition to the Greeks and Romans? If you want diversity in literature it seems like these would be the most obvious places to start.

>> No.12234189 [View]
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>fantasy bad
>mythology and magical realism good

Explain this.

>> No.12167735 [View]
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>Stephen King writes over 50 novels
>we only remember about 10 of them as being really good
>George R.R. Martin takes over five years to release a new book in his series
>everybody remembers each release as being notable

>> No.11919170 [View]
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If the point of The Trial and The Diary of a Young Girl to teach us how to live, should Kafka and Anne Frank have not wrote as much as they did given how short their lives were?

>> No.11912773 [View]
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>"A classic book is one that everyone owns but nobody has read"
>Mark Twain's books are now classics

>> No.11883501 [View]
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>read book before watching the movie
>watching the movie isn't as good because I know everything that's going to happen, most of the changes just end up pissing me off or disappointing me
>watch the movie before reading the book
>find lots of interesting diversions and extra scenes in the book that make reading the book just as exciting as watching the movie

>> No.11868399 [View]
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>nothing incredibly big or overly complicated
>posts a fantasy author known for meticulously researching different epochs of history

>> No.11765987 [View]
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Why were operas never considered literature but plays were?

If it's just the presence of a musical component, then hip-hop by default belongs to a different medium than literature. If you accept that "popular" music like Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, and Miles Davis can be great works of art in the music medium, then there is no reason to exclude hip-hop from that realm of possibility.

>> No.11633622 [View]
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>I don't capitalize words or use punctuation because that's how it is in Hindi
>literally zero English translators of the great classic Hindi poets preserve this aspect of the poetry

>> No.11539933 [View]
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What did you mean by this post? I mean, I know that you're a racist incel Drumpf baby trying to make a /pol/ thread on /lit/, but why did you make a thread about Zadie Smith and post Toni Morrison?

>> No.11510049 [View]
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What did creative writing professors mean by this?

>> No.11482499 [View]
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>hates psychoanalysis of literature and groups it in with the "school of resentment"
>puts Freud on the western canon list

>> No.11478277 [View]
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But who was the mole who ratted them all out? Ms. Van Daan was a pretty huge bitch the entire book...

>> No.11421794 [View]
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>Zeus was real
>ancient Greek civilization fell apart and nobody worships the Greek pantheon anymore outside of a few autistic cultists
>the Abrahamic God isn't real
>is worshipped by three of the largest religions in the world

>> No.11387697 [View]
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>I hate SJWs and their evil degenerate butt stuff
>please fuck me in the ass, elven futa tentacle monster

What did the alt right mean by this?

>> No.11374417 [View]
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>literary fiction in the early 20th century
>"I'm going to write something so long it has to be published in multiple volumes!"
>literary fiction today
>"Writing sequels is for genre fiction hacks!"
>genre fiction in the 19th and early 20th century
>"I'm going to write short stories, novellas, and 200-300 page novels that are quick and easy for the masses"
>genre fiction now
>"Everything has to be a 7-part series with over 1000 pages in each installment"

What went wrong?

>> No.11360591 [View]
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>The Great Gatsby never got a good adaptation
>most Austen adaptations get a 90% on RT but inevitably get forgotten after a few years
>every Frankenstein adaptation except one portrays the monster as a bumbling retard, and the only one that tried to be accurate to the book is pure shit
>Kubrick adapts a shitty genre book and it becomes regarded as one of the greatest films in the history of films

>> No.11121819 [View]
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>don't have to read the Bible
>assumes everyone reading the article is a hardcore Dawkins dick-sucking atheist

>> No.11050820 [View]
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>be Jordan Peterson
>be liberal academic
>Canada passes a law that allows the state to control language
>say in an interview "hold up, doesn't this sound little Orwellian?
>get flagged as an alt-right neo-nazi because the Canadian law was intended to protect transgender people
>criticize liberals for calling you a nazi because you aren't a nazi
>this only makes the nazis love you even more
>your female academic colleague from America agrees with all of your points, but while she is controversial figure within academia, gets away with not having an autistic neo-nazi fan base flooding her comments section and sucking her dick at every opportunity

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