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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16239450 [View]
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I hate it here

>> No.12968921 [View]
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>complete and utter denigration of literary culture and classical education as elitist
>destruction of any and all leisure outwith allocated post-work prolefeed telly time
>culture of oppressive self-awareness, recursive irony
>mfa cultists blasting anything interesting as "purple prose"
>maximalist cultists artificially inflating the worst Pynchon rip-offs as "labyrinthine, bravely experimental, rich in incident" and so on and so on
>pornography redirects youthful sexual frustration from passionate activity (sublimating sexual urges into art, studies etc.) into opening twenty different tabs of cummies and beating your cock raw or wearing thigh highs and taking drugs that give you bpd
Wow I can't understand why so many more masterpieces were produced from 1900 to 1919 than from 2000 to 2019, modern life just seems *so* conducive to producing great art

>> No.12637299 [View]
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>mfw finally outgrew belief

>> No.12538712 [View]
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>Burns and Blake are what you might call proto-romantics

>> No.12432446 [View]
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Hell yeah king, only way to do it

>> No.12318284 [DELETED]  [View]
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How do you narritivize your own life, /lit/? As in, if you were to recount your experiences as a kind of narrative, would it be as a kind of bildungsroman or as fragmented incidents like in a short story collection? Do you adapt your life to make it more narrative, imagining a reader reading about your daily activities and exploits and thinking either "wow! he's just like me" or "yikes! He's nothing like me"

Personally, I have a very uneventful life lived mostly between the pages of philosophical tomes and other artistic works. So I tend to recount my life to myself in the form of a biography, talking about my youthful intellectual developments, how certain encounters with authors have an immediate effect and inform my developing worldview. So, for example
>"as recounted in a journal entry several years later, anon's first encounter with Tolstoy was at the age of fifteen, and was preceded by a sense of shame at having cited the great Russian sage in a schoolboy essay, without having read him first. To assuage this feeling of being an imposter (a common theme in his journal entries) he devoted the summer to reading War and Peace, which was to become his favourite book, and exercised a great influence over his own creative endeavours",
>"Anon's alienation from his social circle at this time began a feedback loop of more and more extremist thinking. He began to devour the works of radical environmentalist like Pentti Linkola, and explored the oeuvres of Yukio Mishima and Ernst Junger, seeking to emulate the masculinism and vitality of these writers in his own life. However, at the same time, as his personal writings dismayedly attest throughout this period, his radical belief in strength, moral courage and self-mastery failed to translate into his actions, and he entered what he himself referred to as "the most hedonistic, tormentedly unrestrained period of [his] life", regularly binging on fast food and failing to attend university in order to drink coffee, play minecraft and listen to cumtown. It was his reading of Alaisdair MacIntyre, perhaps the most considerable influence on Anon's practical philosophy, that pulled him out of this more, allowing him first to explain to his social circle his misgivings about the modern world in more palatable terms and secondly to grasp at the first seeds of a religious faith which was be a guiding force and moderating influence on his political thoughts and actions".

But enough about me! What about you?

>> No.12313507 [View]
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anon.. easy on the normalfags

>> No.10517085 [View]
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>I found /lit/ at the start of the year
lol didnt take you very long to get sick of it

>> No.10511816 [View]
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>Also, anyone who thinks Neo-Conservatism is in any way reactionary
Wow thanks for the big revelation bro. I couldn't have figured it out by the fact it has the word "neo" in it or anything.

Anyway, reactionary analysis is fine. Reactionary morality, maybe. Reactionary advocacy - silly. If you want a new monarchy you'll just have to wait until the next faggot Caesar comes around and establishes some horrible rule that lasts long enough for an aristocracy to form again. But it won't be the same as the old world. It will just be something new.

>> No.10474172 [View]
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1. The Case for Catholicism

2. Don't have one; I'll be lonely at New Year's unless I flirt with a girl at my teammate's party tonight. If I don't find a chick to smooch at midnight, I'll just be strong and subdue the pain.

>> No.10465317 [View]
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