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>> No.16580752 [View]
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tl;dr version

Brekkek kekkek kekkek kekkek! Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head — white boys with hooded heads — KKK — /pol/ — Kek, Egyptian frog god of chaos — Aristophanes’ “The Frogs” where frogs make sound “Brekkek!” — Kekkism based off worship of repeating digits (synchronicity) — Joyce obsessed with synchronicities — Matt Furie (original creator of Pepe) tries to kill off Pepe with comic — comic has unintentional allusion to legend of Finnegan’s Wake with liquor being poured on Finnegan raising him from the dead (Chaos Never Dies) — Matt Furie —> Michael Furey in Joyce’s “The Dead” (death theme again) who symbolically cucks/kek’s Joyce/Gabriel Conroy, based off of a true story that happened between a man named Michael Bodkin and Nora — bodkin = Shakespearean term for a dagger, an instrument of death — Mossad and CIA did 9/11 as inside job to justify creation of surveillance/police state and looting oil from Middle East — Robert Anton Wilson on this synchronicity in Joyce’s life:

>RAW: In 1909 he went to Galway to look at Michael Bodkin’s grave, and the grave next to it said J. Joyce, which did a great deal to increase our man’s faith in synchronicity, even though Jung hadn’t named it synchronicity then. That’s also the theme of “The Dead”.

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