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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13907670 [View]
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Such a terrible post, actually made me unironically KEK.

>> No.13893516 [View]
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>reading fiction

>> No.13881793 [View]
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>The thing is women don't actually desire sex the same way men do
KEK. Pathetic cope. Women LOVE sex, it's all they're good for, and they can't stop thinking about it. I've seen the messages my sister receives from her group of female friends. They're non stop 24 hours 7 days a week talking about petty female drama, and how much they want to take a dick. I'm not even memeing, they simply love being used like whores.

>> No.13867898 [View]
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Holy cringe, Manuel. Your literature is shit and no one cares about it. Again: If Europe and Brazil sink into the ocean nothing of value would be lost, and it would take a year for the rest of the world to notice.

>> No.13634853 [View]
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>knowingly make a terrible, fallacious argument, so that you're not the last one to reply
>anon doesn't realize and you win the argument anyway

>> No.13614342 [View]
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>tfw all my understand of philosophy comes from SEP articles and secondary literature on the subject
>i BTFO anons every time a philosophical issue comes up
lmao this board is inhabited by pseuds

>> No.13454784 [View]
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I REFUSE to believe this guy is seriously. What a fucking joke

>> No.13443668 [View]
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Kek. There's no way this guy is serious, imagine being this much of a redditor

>> No.13439432 [View]
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>The man, O Muse, inform, that many a way
>Wound with his wisdom to his wished stay;
>That wander’d wondrous far, when he the town
>Of sacred Troy had sack’d and shiver’d down;

>> No.13213816 [View]
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>> No.13187324 [View]
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Anime is boring and for retards. Kys yourself, there are way better escapism methods.

>> No.13134672 [View]
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lmaaaaaaao, imagine this shit here in Brazil. it would basically be:
>Carry a weapon. This should be obvious. If you can't find a gun, a simple knife will suffice.
Favelado kills you because he notices the gun's bulge
>Look mean. This also should be obvious
Favelado kills you because you're looking at him in the wrong way
>Don't disrespect the most violent members of the society. Most violent crime is drug/gang related. Simply respect their turf, avoid them, and don't involve yourself in their activities.
Favelado kills you because you're a pussy.
>Lift weights/bulk up to look more menacing
Favelado kills you because you're a "playboy". They hate buffed muscular dudes because it's normally a sign you have some money. Most of them are malnourished.
>5. Learn to fight if you can.
>tries to disarm favelado
>favelado shoots you

>6. Don't carry lots of cash on you. This should be easy since you're poor
Favelado kills you because he's mad that you have no money.

>> No.12867930 [SPOILER]  [View]
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>female author

>> No.12865297 [View]
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>DO I!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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