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>> No.12413495 [View]
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it hasn't been that long. girardposting didn't even begin in earnest until 2016.

the point of this - if there is one - is that i think Kojima understands something fundamental about the relationship of aesthetics to technology. seeing *is* doing, in a sense. if there is a deconstruction at work here, it is the deconstruction of the idea that the action figure has an essential, or mysterious, core. it doesn't, and the confusing plot of this game - which is senseless- or even, really, the canon lore of the entire series doesn't detract at all from the charm of the games themselves, which is, essentially, *the fetishization of action.* by collapsing the difference between you and the action, we get in place of what would have been one agreeably senseless action film an infinite number of re-plays of .gif moments, or what Deleuze would have called 'time crystals.' to call it 'deconstruction' as such feels wrong; it's more like an explosion.

and some of these ideas are baked into the plot as well. to *be* Snake is to *look* like Snake. if you look like him, if you wear the patch, if you growl the one-liners, *you are that.* that's a beautiful thing, and a remarkable idea. Kojima doesn't seem to me to be saying that there is anything beyond the simulation, and he's not even hiding the simulation from you. the simulation doesn't simulate anything, really, other than the experience of having a body (although that is not a small thing), and, perhaps, raises some really interesting questions about augmented reality (such as D-Dog allowing me as the player to 'see' things before i see them, and track them via the GUI even when i'm not looking at them). my guess is that this is stuff that will eventually trickle into Google Glass or whatever else.

i can remember, as a kid, the feeling of clutching an action figure and watching a movie, wondering what the connection was between them. was i doing it? was this it? was this the experience i was supposed to be having? or, later on, emulating complex computer games i couldn't play with LEGO blocks, in an attempt to capture the simulation, to *bring it under control.* much else since then has followed the same pattern: just substitute 'schizoposting' and 'philosophy' for LEGO and you've basically got everything you need to know about me. i have Strong Feels about the nature of representation because of this stuff. ofc it's not Serious Thinking, it's just...questions that i have.

but i think sometimes that Kojima understood a lot of this stuff, or even solved questions he never intended to ask. he's fucking figured out Spectacle: that games raise questions about the meaning of being in a possible world, and much else. he couldn't have done this if he wasn't both a game designer and a cinema auteur, but lord ha'mercy has he produced something wonderful with that hybridity.


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