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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23499154 [View]
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what are the prerequisites before reading this dude

>> No.23221065 [View]
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>Orpheus & the Roots of Platonism; Philosophy as Rite of Rebirth - Algis Uzdavinys
>Shankara - “1000 teachings” & Vivekachudamani
>Plotinus - Enneads
>John Scotus Eriugena - Periphyseon
>Unknown God by Dierdre Carabine
>Mysterium Magnum - Boehme
>Universal One by Walter Russell

>> No.23183908 [View]
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The Limited (finite) is conditioned by Sufficient Reason (Cause). The Unlimited is their ground, but only apprehended in contradistiction to it. The two are (Mixture & Emanation) both held, from and of The One.
>AORISTOS [lit. "pre-horizon(s)al", "boundless/overflowing", RE: Poltinus as an Egyptian, the AKHET: "Illumination in-itself" or "where Light rests/awakens from (khora)" the glyph representing the sun of Creation Amun-Ra emerging from the primordial waters + the "wrs" headrest viewed from the crown of the head in repose] + Horus the Sun/Sky god homology (not Osirus or Amun/-RA, light nonetheless) CONTAINING Sun & Moon (Right & Left eyes); as Horus The Younger/Child "first light" & as Horus The Elder "the great black [fecund as in the Nile] one" or Source/One.

>DYAS [dyad, incommesurable recapitulation]

The Aoristos Dyas is the SECOND Unity/One[ness] of One. Mixture is the realm of mutibility, extension, and lesser emanations/descendants of Forms in their ideal aspect-- the commingling thereof; being conditioned non-self sufficient entities as the aforementioned they must come about by Causation. The One as self-posited by the property of the Indefinite Dyad is that first Cause and father of All, the 'Demiurge'.

>Thinking to prove that the Equal and Unequal [other names for One and Indefinite Dyad] are first Principles of all things, both of things that exist in their own right and of opposites...he assigned equality to the monad, and inequality to excess and defect; for inequality involves two things, a great and a small, which are excessive and defective. This is why he called it an Indefinite Dyad - because neither the excessive nor the exceeded is, as such defined. But when limited by the One and the
aoristos dyad, then there is numerical dyad (Alexander's commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics; Barnes 1984 vol. 2)

>"the dyad is Rhea (flow, flux), ...the dyad is equated to the moon (illumination from the Sun, also = silver; whereas the Monad is gold, of course), such that the moon (even the Greeks knew lunar light was merely reflected sunlight) partakes of ebb and flow and flux (lunar phases)" (Theology of Mathematics, Iamblichus).

>"The dyad sits at the midpoint between plurality, the triad, and that which is opposed to plurality, the monad" (Iamblichus).

>"The dyad is the mean, that it lay between that which has opposite properties, the monad (the One), and the triad (topos, space, plurality, in the golden section, which is number 3, or matter, which is 4, but unreal [since 4 doesn't exist in the golden ratio])".(Iamblichus).

>> No.23155022 [View]
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>accumulating more information

That's the domain of Doxa, not Truth -- and still less Wisdom. There is no necessary relation of power of intellect and Actual Intelligence or Virtuous Character.

>> No.20958918 [View]
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>I know nothing
daily reminder socrates meant this is an enigmatic, apophatic way as in
>I know no-thing
>the monad is 'no-thing', but is beyond 'things'/Being
socrates was just giving voice to his divine henosis, and his skepticism and method of inducing aporia was in order to 'empty' his interlocutor of ignorance in order to bring about, as 'handmaiden' to wisdom, a divine utterance of truth (god having entered the purified soul)

>> No.20090447 [View]
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ἑλληνιστί ἀμείνων ἐστίν

>> No.19878870 [View]
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Filth! Pathetic as your progress may be, it will always be better than no progress at all!

>> No.19702250 [View]
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>need someone reading the book for your
>actual readers are the one who struggle to read

>> No.19576531 [View]
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Baudrillard is a typical sophist hylic hack. Generic process fake-philosopher method: take actual, coherent and truthful doctrine (in his case Platonism), invert it, make minor adjustments, then sell it for profit and fame in an equally vacuous media and 'intellectual'-scape.

All these leftist pseuds can't stop talking about 'authenticity' and what's 'real', but deny objective existence and essence that transcends the senses and any kind of divine hierarchy that imbues Being in the first place.
>Waaa! Capitalists are removing visible reality further and further away
>From what? The 'forms'? That's just heckin Platonic superstition and crazy talk, I just mean my shitty incoherent positivist conception that any reality is just shitty pissy cum matter and what my body can feel!
>my solution? communist revolution so we can shit cum piss with our bodies a bit more comfortably until we feel uncomfortable again and do another revolution until time ends

If you find this guy interesting you should kill yourself or go and read the Greeks, the Vedic scriptures, just about any metaphysical/sacral doctrine that deals with this subject seriously. Leftists and any variant of materialist hylic-cult cannot complain about the decline of time and descent away from the purity of a fuller, prior stage of Being manifest in this world, because (You) are the process that is responsible for its gradual fading.

>> No.19281940 [View]
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I'd say for beginners Latin is easier because there's more wind in your sails thanks to many Latin words surviving in other languages and you don't need to get adjusted to a new alphabet.
However Greek isn't nearly as difficult and some would want you to believe. You just need to stay conscious of your skill level and not just jump straight-ahead into someone like Sophocles.
I chose to learn Greek first because there was simply more material I found interesting in this language.

>> No.19013551 [DELETED]  [View]
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What's the smartest way to learn Ancient Greek? Should I start by memorising all the articles or by translating simple sentences and slowly getting a grasp of the grammar that way?

>> No.18013541 [View]
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Why wouldn't you pay for it? Don't you want to fund his trad village lifestyle in southern India?

>> No.17929908 [View]
File: 86 KB, 450x413, plato vaporwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to start with the Greeks? Because /lit/ told you so?

It takes years of your life to reach a deep understanding of Plato. The first couple years, you might think you get where he's coming from, but then you realize you have to learn Greek yourself (which takes at least 2 years to approach Plato) and study Greek mythology and poetry, not to mention the anthropological and political history of the Mediterranean. You read the sophists (in Greek, so you can get an idea why people hated Gorgias after a while) and the Eleatics. In fact, you read all of the Presocratics. You're immersed in the sea of secondary literature. And, throughout all of this, you're constantly reading Plato. Finally, you realize that philosophical thought has advanced little — has actually regressed in important ways — since Plato, and there's little need to read Aristotle (since every philosophical idea of Aristotle is actually contained in Plato; the most we can attribute to him is the formalization of logic, which was anticipated in Plato and was perfected in the 20th-c.). Plato will drive you insane and you'll love it.

So, why exactly do you want to start with the Greeks? If you want some basic bitch shit, then just read Plato first. If you're interested further, then read Waterfield (>>17928757) or read them in Greek.

>> No.17895148 [View]
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>I was deceived

>> No.17875335 [View]
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tl;dr, read Plato, Plotinus, the entire 'Neo'platonic canon

>> No.17869999 [View]
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If anyone is asked the 'desert island' question, and doesn't choose the complete works of Plato — in Greek, natch — you can be assured that they are confirmed soulless.

There are so many puzzles and strands of thought in Plato, it's unbelievable. Even Whitehead's pithy summary of Western philosophy is not strong enough to express the breadth and depth of his thought. Ask me about any topic in the Platonic corpus and I will do my best to further a conversation on it.

>> No.16908372 [View]
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>I'm less than a quarter of the way through but the main point seems to be that the meaning of language depends entirely on its context and usage. also that truth cannot be derived through natural language, as he attempted in the tractatus

Yeah Plato figured this out 2400 years ago. Plato's dialogues pre-empted all of philosophy bros. It started it and finished it at the same time.

>> No.16854628 [View]
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>Plato has very little worth reading
>Aristotle should be mandatory

Name one (1) great philosophical theory you think is unique to Aristotle and I will point *exactly* to where you can find its antecedent in Plato. Aristotle is to be cherished for his broad and penetrating scientific interests.
>inb4 hylomorphism
Hylomorphism is invaluable for any materialist ontology, but materialism is a cancer that had its metastasis in Aristotle. Besides, hylomorphism is just a development of the idea posited in Timaeus 49-51.

>> No.16565215 [View]
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Read it twice when I was 16 and 19, don't remember too much except the general stuff, I'm 23 now. I liked it.

>> No.16545008 [View]
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How can I tell if i'm a pseud or not?

How can you tell if someone else is a pseud?

>> No.14845113 [View]
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What it isn't:
>novelty (there is no such thing as a system of thought or whatever "belonging" to someone, or having been conjured up by them, something cannot come from nothing)
>resulting in relativism (see in nihilism, also sophistry ala Protagoras)

What it is:
>the ultimate purpose
>eternity (the philosopher is a fisherman casting his net into the objective metaphysical superreality, intelligible realm and so on, true Being, he through Reason and divine inspiration helps reveal God's order, there is no such thing as nothing)
>moral realism
>an ascetic, mystical life one takes upon one's self to achieve henosis, not a cushy spot at the church of sophistry that tars the name 'academy'
>the preparation for death
>imitation of God by Man

>> No.14412480 [View]
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Could the Catholic Church be infiltrated by a clique of Platonic pagans and fulfil the vision of Julian by returning Europe to true religion? YHWH isn't the Good. The seat of Pontifex Maximus needs its true Jovian heir, and only a communion of theurgists can overturn the Jewish carpenter. Asking for a friend.

>> No.13183000 [View]
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drinking a pamplemousse la croix and reading lucian of samosata

>> No.13040997 [View]
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Karl Marx stole all of his decent ideas from Friedrich Schiller and the German Romantics.

Communism is a Jewish plot to facilitate the creation of a New World Order in which every Jew will have 2,800 goyim slaves, as according to the Talmud. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of communist revolutionaries in Germany and Russia were of Jewish ethnicity.

The Communist Manifesto is trash for edgy undergraduates.

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