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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20091099 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119_2019_06_24_16_41_56_UTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /lit/. I write to you in desperate times. My big brother (mid 20s) is in jail. I don't wanna go into details but the alleged crime is nothing too serious or particularly bad. There's a chance that he might get out soon, the court hasn't decided yet.
Anyway he has always been the libertarian entrepreneur type, like those young biz guys that won't stop annoying you about crypto or their hot new investments or whatever. He was never much of a reader. He left a sealed copy of elon musk's biography at my dad's house, which my dad uses to stop his cat from opening the trash can (he likes to jump it and dig into the trash for some reason). I once gifted him Siddharta and selected stories from kafka, but idk if he's read those because we've been pretty distant, although he is definitely a very loving and family friendly brother. Aside from some other meme finance books I don't think he's ever looked into literature.
But he recently sent a letter where he essentially expresses regret over his previous lifestyle and says that he has spent his time reading and thinking a lot. Me and my family are soon gonna visit him on his birthday, which begs the question: What books should I gift him? Something easy going and short would be nice. Both fiction and non-fiction is ok I guess, though I assume he'd prefer a nice inspirational story over a dry lecture. I've been looking for something that might inspire him to change his way of life but I can't think of anything really. Maybe something else by Hesse? Like Demian? Or maybe some positivist existential philosophy that fits those criteria? Idk, I don't really wanna intimidate him or act like some kind of priest either. Sigh. Please help.

>> No.19931254 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119_2019_06_24_16_41_56_UTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He cannot become old, for he has never been young; he cannot become young, for he has already become old; in a way he cannot die, for he has never lived; in a way he cannot live, for he is already dead; he cannot love, for love is always in the present, and he has no present time, no future, no past, and yet he is of a sympathetic nature, and he hates the world only because he loves it; he has no passion, not because he lacks it, but because that same instant he has the opposite; he has no time for anything, not because his time is taken up with something else, but because he has no time at all; he is powerless, not because he lacks strength, but because his own strength makes him impotent.

>> No.19598576 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce please...

>> No.19342986 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me who that is so I can spend the rest of the night day dreaming about our future.

>> No.19097354 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back

>> No.18508100 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a twink but I feel this. I'm 21 and my hairline has been receding quite a bit lately. Sucks that my youth is officially over now I guess. I was just starting to style my hair properly and dress more fashionable and now this... I'm still trying to revive some with adequate nutrition and hair products but it's probably pointless. Oh well.

>> No.18380980 [View]
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I tried to reply and my tab closed
what you are saying is true to our current social issues but your point falls completely flat because it has nothing to do with the subject
as stated before, internet is wide and the /lit/ community has a few hubs on a few websites everyone knows about where talents can't go under the radar unless they have shit luck
also, you can still get traditionally published in our day and age and have people run an ad campaign for you

you are ignorant to the world of literature and foolish, the end

>> No.18066235 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me coming to this thread every night to read relatable sad anecdotes from young males

>> No.17993906 [View]
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I won't. Already went through that shit before and it bore no fruits, 'I can't change the grades since people will be disappointed and there's no perfect works so I can't give you more' and yadda yadda but thanks mang
I don't really care about what they got but well-placed efforts should be rewarded, the system shouldn't fail anyone. If you meet expectations, it's normal to expect as much. About the quality of the papers of everyone, I care because it's how you become better. There are tips and tricks you can gain from observing other people that did well, that are worth much more than a few words of advice.

It'll hurt them in the long run, too. If you miscalculate something and your reasoning is wrong, you shouldn't have the points. If you do, you're tricked into believing you did great. Try to work with someone that has never been proved wrong and tell that person she's wrong, most of the times they're a pain in the ass to work with.

>> No.17950360 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I attract someone like that
it seems like they always go for the lowest type of consoomers

>> No.17910422 [View]
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>believes in the creation, not the creator

>> No.17755865 [View]
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Twenty ago the most scathing thing you could tell a man is
>you're not even a real man
Today it's
>you're not even a real woman

Has any novel actually covered this seismic generational shift, not just a contemporary shapshot but the shift over the course of a generation through someone's eyes?

>> No.17706209 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry murakami. I wanted to read your work up until now.

>> No.17602266 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my logic professor went berserk a few days ago because apparently too many people cheated on the online tests. He wrote an email saying everyone will have to do it again, this time irl. Thankfully he pulled back but man now I kinda regret cheating on the first two of the three tests. The e-mail read like he was genuinely hurt

>> No.17369205 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please get out of my head.

>> No.17025111 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He searched through his 2014 meme folder. Though disorganized, he could intuit the general position of the meme he knew would make for the perfect reply. Add the seconds passed, he knew his chances for getting a fpbp were rapidly declining.
And there it was a crying fisherman wojak with a boot on his fishing line. Incredible. He prayed for an easy captcha. If properly executed, this post would receive at least three (you)'s, easily becoming his most successful post of the day.
The captcha loaded. Gerald clicked the three cars.
His heart sunk as the images began to slowly fade. All hope was lost.
As he waits for the captcha to process his answer, he immediately checks the update button, and there was the first poster already ahead of him. Fueled in rage, the college dropout stared at one of his 5 screens and gazed upon the first reply. It was none other than "my diary desu", attached with a sad pepe.
Gerald exploded internally. "Faggot", he thought in resentment, "it's not even funny." To compensate for his failure, he thought of resorting to the good old reliable, the opus of (you) bait one shall say: the unrelated twitter screencap.
Thus he took to twitter for his cause. With a gaze sharper than any pirates', and fingers oily enough to be invaded by burger troops, he typed in "women of color" at the search bar. The plate of tendies began to cool down as his middle finger rubbed up and down the scroll wheel on his mouse at top speed.
And there it finally appeared: a tweet written by a transsexual anarchist, whose bio consists of too many mental illness' to count on one hand. Right click, screencap, done. Not enough time to move the it into the /pol/ folder, he thought. Attention awaits him.
Gerald spared no time opening the reply window. "Oh god, oh fuck. Why NOW?", he yelled internally as he tried to correctly capture the traffic lights in this damned captcha.
After the 3rd try he has done it at last, and now nothing would stop him from bathing in (you)s. But as soon as he hit "post", a trembling, suppressed fear occurred which he had not taken into consideration: "Specified thread does not exist anymore", the red pop-up says. "No way, this can't be..." Gerald feared, and clicked on 'update" one last time. The thread was indeed pruned or deleted by the almighty jannies.
In devastation Gerald returned to his old habit of youtube binging. The tendies are already too cool to enjoy, and the not-so-crisp taste combined with today's defeat left his mouth with bitterness that only a new joe rogan episode could eliminate. Thankfully the gods answered his prayer this one time and granted him this video on his feed.
The glow of his 5 screens filled the dark room with melancholic cyber-ambience, and while Gerald was at last defeated by the unruly forces of the internet, he at least could finally learn to clean his room and thus take up more responsibility by the father figure he has never had.

>> No.16834794 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy moly... those are some bazookas. some motherfuckin bahongas. imagine creamin' on those knockers. hoh fuck

>> No.16198358 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn dude that's fuckin sad. Had a similar experience but I simply couldn't find her number bc she ripped off a tiny bit of paper which is impossible to find once it's lost. she was the first and only girl to show even the slightest bit of interest in me. sigh

>> No.15805137 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it alright? I commented under one of her videos yesterday thinking I was a witty fuck or whatever. some anon reminded me that we should stop harassing innocent youtubers who really did nothing wrong to begin with. I realized my mistake and deleted the comment.
her content is actually really cool and deep and it'd be fucked if she deleted her channel bc a bunch of weirdos harassed her. yes she is a qt but please do not ruin her. PLEASE

>> No.15204059 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's got flawless skin too...
god fuck why am I so desperate

>> No.13859353 [View]
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are u saying such mean things anon? What did I do to you?

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