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>> No.23344969 [View]
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No the real knee slapper is watching the US right wing propagantize against Russia and for massive military investments to fight Russia over 70 years, including a spat as late as Mittens Romulan vs Obummer, where Obummer helpfully informs the voting public Mittens is living in the past of red scare propaganda, only to have everyone do a musical chairs number and suddenly the right wing cries about every missile they pushed to fund being used against Russia, the enemy they railed against for 70 years!
How very dare the left wing give these Russia killing weapons to a country that kills Russians with Z E R O US casualties?

Meanwhile the antiwar left is busy asking for more money to the military industrial complex.
Oh but it gets even better because the far left commies are busy saying “USA evil, west bad, based Russia dindu nuffin leave her alone!” as if Russia is still the Soviet Union and not a tsarist larping righto dictatorship. But even that isn’t the grand finale of the Aristocrats joke because the far right is busy using the same talking points about the west promising Russia some kind of lebensraum in perpetuity.

And if you’re aware enough for all this to make you vomit there’s also the Israel shitshow where all these positions are incoherently flipped around.
Nothing about any of this makes any fucking sense whatsoever. It’s not even “politics changed”, when it’s the same fucking people who have 40 years on the record swapping positions like it’s a game show.

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