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>> No.23464534 [View]
File: 184 KB, 1000x1386, hell_the-wood-and-the-suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Divine Comedy, especially inferno and the part about the people who commited suicide enf up in hell as dry stumps of wood. Harpies picking the leafs off, which feels like your flesh being torn apart. The leafs regrow and so does the harpies hunger.

Seriously suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem. Everyone can find meaning in life, especially if you're born in the first or second world. There are opportunities to turn your life around.

I had a horrid start at life, which continued onward till I was 21. Then some things fell into place and my life became pretty good.

This is why I certainly believe that your life can also change for the better. After the rain always follows the sun

>> No.23430406 [View]
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I would never say that suicide is justified, since we're the beings in the image of god. Destroying this consciousness would result in a direct insult against god. He created us from dust, made us the epitome of evolution, destroying this creation is like destroying nature itself, which is something I also consider bad.

I grew up in horrid conditions and after the death of my mother suicide seemed like a good and easy way out. A permanent solution. After living through 20 years of hell, my life turned out really good. Now the bad memories are not the present ones. I'm married, aspiring to have children (which I can hopefully give a better life than I had) and looking forward to finishing my engineering degree.

What would a suicide contribute to a bad existence? Now I still have the chance to add good to this forsaken planet. Eradicating my existence on the other hand would only result in a net zero, or net negative.

I don't believe in the need for suicide, even the most horrible conditions on this planet might feel joy, might give life and allow it to prosper. Our and every animals faite has always been like this. Look for example at the paitings from Jan luyken and his depictions of torture and death during medieval times. Human beings withstood all of this cruelty, living through pain, torture, poverty, hunger... If we would just off ourselves because of any of this, our whole species wouldn't survive.

In south america crickets were observed that stopped chirping, because invasive flies "heard" the sounds and started to drop their eggs on the crickets back. Instead of just saying "well fuck it, some new enemy of my species started dropping their eggs on my back and the maggots will crawl in my body the second they begin to hatch and eat me slowly alive, let's better kill myself now", they actually made even more crickets. After just 20 generations! which is extraordinary, they evolved their wings, that cause the chirping at night and stopped making the sounds one hears when wandering in nature in summer.
The pain stopped, for the future generations and the 20! generations (which is quick in evolution) never experienced the feeling of not getting eaten alive by maggots till you slowly die because your organs fail (since the maggots have eaten them).

Suicide is inherently egoistic, an insult against god and to the transcendental order of things. Plus I have experienced that hard work ultimately results in a good life.

To end this Ted talk, here is a picture of Dante Alighieri's depiction of the people who killed themselves, now in hell, transformed into a tree. Through your branches runs your blood and harpies pick the growing leaves and eat them, which feels like flesh getting ripped out of your body. Your memories fade whenever a branch breaks off.

>> No.23249635 [View]
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How can one be so autistic. Are you the same kind of person who tells other people that they never really tasted coffee if they didn't consume it in the specific which way, which only you enjoy?

Then go with Longfellow

Midway upon the journey of our life

I found myself within a forest dark,

For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

>> No.21346193 [SPOILER]  [View]
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I have read the english edition, translated by mandelbaum and I can very much recommend it.
For me the inferno is the most exciting part of the divine comedy, but it is still amazing after reaching the last circle.

I visited Paris and especially The Musée Rodin after finishing the book. His work was based a lot around the divine comedy. The statue the thinker is also made after aligiehri. There is a lot of art around the divine comedy recommended checking out.

Ich habe gerade die leseprobe gelesen und fande die Übersetzung nicht gut. Falls dir das alte Englisch liegt kann ich nur das empfehlen. Falls es dir bereits gefällt wie es geschrieben ist, well keep it.

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