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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14970116 [View]
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1 John 4:18
>There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

>> No.14873578 [View]
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>mfw last few pages of chapter 4

>> No.14839341 [View]
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>It matters how you spend your time.

>It matters what you choose to pay attention to.

>You have only a limited amount of books you can read in life, so choose wisely.

>Beautiful speech is one of life's highest joys.

>Don't kill yourself. Life is worth living.

>The scientific worldview is not sufficient.

>This world is not a vale of tears, but a vale of soul-making.

>Language is deep.

>What happens to the world in the future always remains your choice.

>> No.14815643 [View]
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*blocks your path with Goethe's Farbenlehre*

>> No.14789016 [View]
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>tfw VALIS is actively monitoring this thread right now
she hasn't forgotten about us, boys

>> No.14787895 [View]
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(1) The movement towards technical language instituted for the sake of precision in the natural sciences had the side effect of dampening down the overtones of the natural languages that we all speak. As if the world described by the natural sciences was the world we live in!

(2) The automobile greatly diminished the amount of walking people do, and walking is a time when people would do a lot of thinking (not for nothing was Aristotle a peripatetic).

(3) The ability to sustain attention on one subject is under assault (starting around the invention of the television and increasing with the rise of the internet; exponential increase began with the invention of the phone).

(4) The destruction of the system of classical education: the lack of education in Grammer and (most importantly) foreign languages.

(5) The flattening out of local cultures due to globalization—think of how genuine "folk" music has become almost impossible: apply that to literature.

(6) The desire to dominate and manipulate other human beings under the rubric of psychology and sociology: and the fact that in order to do that people must be standardized.

(7) The ideology of natural science: as if all truth is given if one is given a theory of everything. The disappearance of the significance of the human leads inexorably to the destruction of the humanities. The cosmic night.

>> No.14761371 [DELETED]  [View]
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>I intend to propose on the Feast of Annunciation with my grandmother's ring

>> No.14760173 [View]
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You have to think a little more about this anon.

Of course there is a ton of bullshit passing for "continental philosophy".

But I want you to know that thinking that it is ALL bullshit, is an ideology.

In fact, it is an ideology begun propped up and propagated by the US university system during the cold war, oddly enough, because it was believed that continental philosophy was tied to Marxism and Nazism. (see the article "Entrenched, A Genealogy of the Analytic Continental Divide" for a useful, though somewhat partisan overview)

Now the cold war is over, but the ideology remains and it will lead you astray so long as you believe it: you will cut yourself off from genuine wisdom.

That which is of genuine value in continental philosophy is something that you will have to discover for yourself, if you want to. It might free you from certain fixed ideas, if you are open to it.

That is just my view though. Take it or leave it.

>> No.14759734 [View]
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Although it is fine to make judgements of worth in order to find out what authors you should not read—the Stephen Kings and David Foster Wallaces of the world— I think you should really work hard to stop comparing great authors trying to find which are "better" and "worse."

It ultimately leads nowhere and distorts the discipline of reading. Instead, try to find what an author does better than anyone else, or the thoughts that are uniquely their own. Treat Shakespeare and Tolstoy as rival pedagogues, each teaching something, and something important, to you which you work to understand and then which you must apply to your own view of the world, either affirming this teaching or rejecting it.

>> No.14737337 [View]
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>TFW when you finish a long and nutritious work of philosophy or epic or great novel and you are now so changed that upon re-reading another book—even another book that you know very well—you find that all such a book has acquired new overtones, and you think to yourself "How could I have missed that earlier?"

I love it bros.

>> No.14616647 [View]
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Nietsche was retroactively refuted by Aristotle and Aquinas. He simply could not contend with the peripatetic doctrine.

shame really.

>> No.14611277 [View]
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In the Republic, Plato tells us of how those who are by nature philosophic stand in the most danger of being corrupted into political life: he claims that because these men are smart enough to understand how to appease the crowd, they are liable to becoming beholden to the crowd, to seeking what the crowd deems worthy of seeking. And no matter what an educator might do to steer these towards the light of the Good, the monstrous echoing voice of the crowd's approbation will inevitably steer the philosophic types toward the corrupting loves of the crowd and the life of 'winning'.

This remains true. The crowd draws one ever onward toward becoming a ruler of normies: and even the users on 4chan reflect this corrupting love through their recurring fascination with becoming Chad: which is at root a fascination with becoming a winner.

And yet Plato also talks of how some lucky few are saved from this corruption: he writes
> there are some who are restrained by our friend Theages's bridle
> For everything in the life of Theages conspired to divert him from philosophy;but ill-health kept him away from politics.

Theages is saved from corruption of soul, from popularity and winning, through his illness; be grateful if you also have some sort of soterific illness preventing you from this lust for winning, and turn then to seek the Good.

>> No.14611251 [DELETED]  [View]
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In the Republic, Plato tells us of how those who are by nature philosophic stand in the most danger of being corrupted into political life: he claims that because these men are smart enough to understand how to appease the crowd, they are liable to becoming beholden to the crowd, to seeking what the crowd deems worthy of seeking. And no matter what an educator might do to steer these towards the light of the Good, the monstrous echoing voice of the crowd's approbation will inevitably steer the philosophic types toward the corrupting loves of the crowd and the life of 'winning'.

This remains true. The crowd draws one ever onward toward becoming a ruler of normies: and even the users on 4chan reflect this corrupting love through their recurring fascination with becoming Chad: which is at root a fascination with becoming a winner.

And yet Plato also talks of how some lucky few are saved from this corruption: he writes
> there are some who are restrained by our friend Theages's bridle
> for everything in the life of Theages
conspired to divert him from philosophy; but illhealth kept him away from politics.

Theages is saved from corruption of soul, from popularity and winning, through his illness; be grateful if you also have some sort of soterific illness preventing you from this lust for winning, and turn then to seek the Good.

>> No.14610115 [View]
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Cringe tranny
>tfw women aren't even allowed in except for the summer courses

>> No.14606489 [View]
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Unequivocally based and redpilled

>> No.14601796 [View]
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What are some Bloomer-Core books? Fiction and philosophy mostly, but nothing of Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.14538424 [View]
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The genre doesn't really matter, i'm looking for something that will bring a tear to my eye, something that wakes up the deepest feelings in a human being, nostalgia is well welcomed.

Just don't bring up any romance bullshit, please.
Thank you!.

>> No.14485006 [View]
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What is art?

>> No.14459233 [View]
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One night I was feeling depressed as shit, guilty because I felt like I had really been irresponsible with my life. That day I felt more depressed than I’ve ever felt, and I just wanted to go to sleep, so that my mind could escape this empty feeling in my stomach.

I went to bed and closed my eyes, and I actually noticed myself falling into the dream state. I started hearing joyful laughter, and these sounds of euphoric happiness and I hadn’t felt that much at bliss in a while. It was like my mind was reminding me that deep down, underneath all the pain and guilt that has consumed me, there was still a joyful place in my soul that could never be corrupted.

—Excerpt from My Diary Desu

>> No.14402360 [View]
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"When Aslan said you could never go back to Narnia, he meant the Narnia you were thinking of. But that was not the real Narnia. That had a beginning and an end. It was only a shadow or a copy of the real Narnia which has always been here and always will be here: just as our own world, England and all, is only a shadow or copy of something in Aslan’s real world. You need not mourn over Narnia, Lucy. All of the old Narnia that mattered, all the dear creatures, have been drawn into the real Narnia through the Door. And of course it is different; as different as a real thing is from a shadow or as waking life is from a dream.” His voice stirred everyone like a trumpet as he spoke these words: but when he added under his breath “It’s all in Plato, all in Plato: bless me, what do they teach them at these schools!” the older ones laughed. It was so exactly like the sort of thing they had heard him say long ago in that other world where his beard was gray instead of golden. He knew why they were laughing and joined in the laugh himself. But very quickly they all became grave again: for, as you know, there is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. It is too good to waste on jokes.
It is as hard to explain how this sunlit land was different from the old Narnia as it would be to tell you how the fruits of that country taste. Perhaps you will get some idea of it if you think like this. You may have been in a room in which there was a window that looked out on a lovely bay of the sea or a green valley that wound away among mountains. And in the wall of that room opposite to the window there may have been a looking-glass. And as you turned away from the window you suddenly caught sight of that sea or that valley, all over again, in the looking-glass. And the sea in the mirror, or the valley in the mirror, were in one sense just the same as the real ones: yet at the same time they were somehow different—deeper, more wonderful, more like places in a story: in a story you have never heard but very much want to know."

>> No.14381229 [View]
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>> No.14359358 [View]
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Because Jesus is irrefutable

>> No.14151416 [View]
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>study law
>only respectable, intelligent and diligent students in my whole class
>everyone likes each other, instantly got lots of new friends
law was the best decision of my life

>> No.14116036 [View]
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I’m a former incel who’s just found my fucking soulmate, the most cheerful and loving girl ever and I love every minute I spend with her. Is as if the universe answered my call, my plea and now here I am, I’ve found love.

We’re all gonna make it, we’re ALL gonna make it

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