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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19579539 [View]
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when they were attacking golgotterath, the demon which he had summoned was able to overpower him and pull him into the outside to fest on. the reason was that golgotterath is a topos that's really fucking deep (idk if deep is the right word, the outside basically overlaps with the real world because of how much suffering and evil happened there) and so the demon could just pluck iyokus' soul right out of his body

who is a good author then

have you read william sleator? i used to read those books in middle school, and they were so good i still think about them sometimes. I also read Piers Anthony, who i remember as being funny. Poul Anderson's Boat of a Million Years was a good read. Dan Simmons' Illium/Olympos was my favourite series until I read his Hyperion Cantos. E. E. Smith's Lensman series is good for pulpy scifi. I really got into Stephenson's Diamond Age when I read it, I have a soft spot for him though so it might actually be bad but i don't care. Cordwainer Smith's short stories are comfy and interesting sometimes. also if want weebshit i remember Terra E being good in like a space opera sort of way but i could be wrong. Planetes is good too, and the anime is v comfy. also Gankutsuou is great and has good yaoi fanart

cnaiurbros, i convinced my mother to read the darkness that comes before and she said cnaiur seemed like a loser and that she loved kellhus. did we get too cocky????

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