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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13913217 [View]
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Hans Christian Andersen. He was chaste and celibate throughout his entire life but was a notorious coomer. Whenever he did the deed, he would mark it down in his diary. He went to a brothel once or twice but he would either just watch the women undress or have conversations with them, never sex. Then he would go home and nut while thinking of his interactions with them. He was also a huge sperg:
>Andersen met his literary hero, Charles Dickens, at an aristocratic party in 1847. They kept in touch, and a decade later Andersen came to stay with Dickens at the British author's home in Kent, England. The visit was meant to last two weeks at most, but Andersen ended up staying five weeks, to the dismay of the Dickens family. On his first morning there, Andersen proclaimed that it was a Danish custom for one of the sons of the household to shave their male guest. Instead of complying, the family set him up with a local barber. Andersen was also prone to tantrums, at one point throwing himself face down on the lawn and sobbing after reading a particularly bad review of one of his books. Once Andersen finally left, Dickens wrote and displayed a note that read, “Hans Andersen slept in this room for five weeks—which seemed to the family AGES!” Dickens stopped responding to Andersen's letters, which effectively ended their friendship.
/lit/ incarnate

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