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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8427717 [View]
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I still sometimes masturbate to the lesbian scene between cercie and her handmaiden.

>> No.5975883 [View]
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>> No.2015653 [View]
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This is my first time visiting this board, so apologies if this isn't talked about here. I don't know if this is a board full of nerds or English majors or something else entirely.

Due to the surging popularity of this series, I decided to start reading through the books. I just finished the third book. So far I'm enjoying it, but one thing about this entire series is just fucking absurd.

Martin's attempts to ground you in the reality of his creation are getting to an unbelievable point. The death's and tragedies of the main characters was something that drew me into the series, but now it's just becoming fucking stupid. When you read a book, and the main character seems invincible, it becomes less enjoyable. It's stupid. Unrealistic. Whatever you want to call it. When you read a book, and one of the main characters die, it grabs you. When more die, it gets silly. And when nearly every character in the damn series is a complete immoral douchebag, the reality which the author has grounded you in begins to fade. Am I really supposed to believe the Mountain stayed alive that long? So many fucking people wanted him dead, and yet he wasn't stabbed in his sleep. Or in the back. Just because he's a big guy doesn't mean he's invincible. Oh my god! He crushed a dudes face in the last minute of a duel, and I'm supposed to believe he could when he's POISONED AND STABBED IN TWENTY PLACES. HOLY SHIT, MARTIN. Am I really supposed to believe that two of Robb's bannerman would betray him when he had the upper hand in the war? Or are these people not only immoral douchebags but completely retarded.

These books are enjoyable but after 3000 pages of Martin giving you a character to like, and then shortly afterwards killing or maiming them, it gets a bit tiresome.

Should I keep reading this series? Or does it keep going like this?

>> No.1993540 [View]
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Just finished reading A Storm of Swords. Holy shit, what a long ass book. It was so overwhelming keeping up with all of the story arcs between ranging beyond the wall, War of the Five Kings, Slave Bay city conquests. So many resolved issues like Who tried to murder Bran, Jon Arryn's death, dat Selmy Barristan. Anyway, favorite parts:

-Dat prologue
-JAIME FUCKING LANNISTER! (I saw some comments here in /lit/ that there would be a complete turn-around regarding a reader's feelings for the King Slayer. I didn't know how a guy who pushed a child out of a window to die would be a likeable character, however, GRRM really wrote the shit out of Jaime. He's like Tyrion without all Tyrion's emotional baggage and a kickass fighter)
-Conquest of Astapor (it was kind of predictable, but it was well written)
-Dat Joffrey death
-Dat Coldhands (Benjen?)


-Arstan Whitebeard reveal (the mystery knight serves the true queen)
(and taking the time to write his own dismissal on the White Book. Badass)
-Dat Red Viper (and his ho)
-Littlefinger and Lysa's wedding
-Stannis saving the Wall Stannis! Stannis! Stannis!
-Dat Tysha reveal leading to...
-Tywin Lannister's death (and Shae. Bitches and whores)
-Dat Lysa death
-Dat Catelyn reveal

Boring parts:

-some of the Bran parts I slogged through to read
-some of the early Jon parts before he went back to the wall
-ALL CATELYN CHAPTERS (what a dumb bitch, releasing Jaime, triggering Karstark's rash act and possibly fracturing the northmen. I hate Catelyn

I can't believe Littlefinger is Light Yagami. I think that he uses chaos as an opportunity to better his status, not as some omnipotent player of the game of thrones. Also, What is Varys' angle? I can't figure him out.

>> No.478408 [View]
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Just finished re-reading A Clash of Kings last night.

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