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>> No.23877851 [View]
File: 89 KB, 1000x500, plotinus-quote-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me know if I'm getting this right.
1.) Individual souls (including of plants etc.) 'descend' from Soul in a process similar to the emanation of the prior principles. It is necessary and, in a way, involuntary (because no one willingly chooses the bad), but also voluntary. Our souls in the intelligible world contract a desire to become particular and care for an individual and the desire is inevitable.
2.) On the way "down", we take on pneumatic bodies in the outer heavens. Daemons, too, have bodies like this. Then we take the rest of our body as a human, daemon, etc.
3.) Part of you remains unchanged in Intellect; similarly as you descend into bodies you still have these higher levels of soul connecting you to the first, they're just inactive.
4.) After death based on how you live, usually your 'pneumatic body' either goes under the earth to be punished in Hades, or if you live a good life you go to inside one of the heavenly bodies. It's possible to meet people you knew on earth here and to communicate without talking.
5.) After the period in 'heaven'/'hell' you're reincarnated based on the choices you made. Plotinus says not to be overly concerned with the suffering of others because they deserve it. (4.4)
6.) Soul keeps cycling until it eventually becomes a sage like Plotinus or Plato and returns to the intelligible world.
7.) You have a 'guardian daemon' which is simply the next highest level of soul to your own, the nearest inactive level.
8.) Zeus is the hypostasis Soul; Uranus is the One; Chronus is Intellect; Hestia/Demeter is Earth, Earth has sense-perception btw but the heavenly bodies don't; Aphrodite is the soul of the cosmos; all the heavenly bodies are gods.
9.) Magic and astrology are real because 'muh cosmic sympathy'.

Seems a bit schizo desu

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