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>> No.11026223 [View]
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That's what you get for reading revisionism. They want to suck the life out of history to make people apathetic towards everything their ancestors fought for. I'm finding this with British history. Britons were never even Celts, that's 1700's revisionism to give the pre Saxon invasion British a new, demoralizing history. Celts were from Celtica, Gaul, modern day France. They were also Gnostics from around 50 AD and stayed this way for centuries.

If you want to know about ancient British religion read the Hermetica. 3 churches in Britain pre Saxon England sang constant hyms to God 24 hours a day taking shifts. They weren't primative cave niggers like we're told about the "celts" but were chariot masters who drove out Julius Cesar TWICE, never to try again. Not till a century later did the Romans invade and only because of corruption they landed their ships and marched all the way into the open gates of London untouched.

The Romans could never take South Wales though and after a 10 year war with the Silures they opted for treaties. Romans and British claimed descent from the Trojan race. Romans from Aeneas, Britons from Aeneas' grandson, Brutus who Britain is named after. London was originally named Troia Nova.

King Arthur was also a real king who resided in his kingdom in South Wales, Glamorgan. The Normans/French revised the names and places etc to French names and the English went further to dismiss all Welsh history as myth in order to make it illegal that a Welsh king or even prince can ever rule in Wales. Instead the "prince of wales" is an Englishmen of German blood.

British history is epic if you actually read the history of the natives and not the shallow and polically driven history of the invaders.


>> No.10904662 [View]
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This book is inflating my pride and smugness that not only do I descend from Trojan kangz but I'm one of the few that even know this because the Saxon scum has the goyim believing false Victorian revisionism based on thier foolish belief that the city of Troy never existed. Too bad Heinrich Schliemann uncovered it proving that Homer didn't make it up and Romans really were descended from Trojans and Aeneas' grandson, Brutus was exiled for murder and found his way to Britain and brought his people there while the foolish Romans killed their royal bloodline, the British kept their's all the way into the middle ages.

>> No.10894757 [View]
File: 39 KB, 312x475, 1915940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reading list. I'm extremely interested in this subject since I've been reading this (pic related).

Its a really well written history book about King Arthur's times and ancient British history. I'm up to the war with the Romans and its so much more inspiring than the nonsense on the history channel depicting Britons as barbarians.

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