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>> No.15648033 [View]
File: 51 KB, 245x204, Peter get off the internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldn't a better approach be to tell people to NOT fight back against the got damn police
There will always be retards of any race who think they're above any kind of authority. White people do this ("I want to speak with the manager" soccer moms), Asians do this (google "rude Chinese tourists")...
For African-Americans you have to add a culturally-ingrained hatred of police specifically. So you're trying to suppress two instincts at once.
In George Floyd's case, he tested positive for drugs, which definitely don't help with making judgement.
And police officers deal with criminals all the time, so the reason for using excessive force is that they either get desensitized (look up Stanford Prison Experiment, even the average vanilla moralfag can turn into a sociopath), or they feel threatened and accidentally go too far in their response.
There's just too many factors at play. I don't think both sides are at fault, but rallying against a boogeyman ("joggers will be joggers", "all cops are bastards") is much, much easier than actually trying to deal with the issue in any constructive manner.
And there's always the schizo angle: this was done on purpose to try and kickstart a race war, divide and conquer, accelerationism, misdirection...

>> No.12028049 [View]
File: 59 KB, 245x204, 2C577FE0-4DC0-4949-B75E-12ED600A8124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes they are cryptic, but you hit the nail on the head on how they can be (understandably) passive to a fault. I hooked up with a chick, who I had I know no idea was into me. I may be a high-functioning but handsome aspie, but I’m not totally oblivious. She genuinely didn’t give much signs either way. It wasn’t until I bluntly asked if we could Netflix and chill before I went on a long vacation when I found out that she was into me. Low and behold, I learned that she had been feeling insecure from an emotionally turbulent relationship that ended six months earlier and had intentionally tried to hide her feelings as much as she could.
>I was into it, anon, but it was you who made it happen.
on another hand, maybe she was just really bored, or even feeling nostalgic. we used to be great friends before I got into an abusive relationship, became depressed, and dropped off of the face of the earth. moral of the story is that people are complex, and while a lot of people are speaking truth in regards to useful rules of thumb and common female archetypes, you never know what’s really going on in the other person’s mind, especially if you don’t know them on an intimate level. don’t rely on them too often like a robot—you’ll miss out on a wonderful soulmate if you do

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