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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16576480 [View]
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ITT /lit/ decides what anon reads next.
The choices are:
>The Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
>The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
>The Sense of Style - Steven Pinker

You may also make your own recommendations. I really enjoyed Anna Karenina recently.

>> No.12731651 [View]
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leftists, everyone.

>> No.8863266 [View]
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>A screaming comes across the sky

>> No.7562414 [View]
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>Avoid "Fantasy Kitchen Sink", don't just combine features from each and every Earth culture.

Basing fantasy cultures purely off existing ones without any syncretic elements is a terrible idea. Firstly, you might as well be writing historical fiction instead of fantasy, since this suggestion is such a gigantic restriction on worldbuilding.
Secondly, it can easily be alienating for audiences who feel you represent their culture poorly, as opposed to an obviously fictional country that's merely inspired by existing ones.
Thirdly, PLENTY of franchises and stories have disregarded this "rule" and are successful. Star Wars is basically a story about nazi-samurai space wizards. The Dark Tower is a fusion between the Old West and Arthurian legend. The Wheel of Time (not a series I like, but anyway) combines European, Asian and even African cultures into a single setting, the Dune series does a similar thing with a pseudo-feudal future and middle Eastern elements. Haruhi Suzumiya was popular as fuck. The Marvel and DC multiverses cover almost every topic imaginable.

>Establish the technical limits of your World, don't keep having decades upon decades of technological advancement every story that are set weeks apart.

Genuinely good advice, unless you have a story that spans generations - something that's hard to do well.

>Religion is important, establish it exists even if it doesn't feature in your story, mediaeval atheism is fucking retarded.

How is it any less retarded than the current trend of colorful polytheism in fantasy when Medieval Europe was Christian to the bone? Don't listen to this dumb faggot. Your world doesn't have to be some Tolkein-lite bullshit pretending to be hard sci-fi. If atheism, polytheism, monotheism or whatever other religious belief suits your setting, use it. It doesn't have to mimic the social trends of history on Earth.

>> No.6781735 [View]
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>I feel like the weight of all the experiences I should be having is crushing me. Even now the fireworks are popping outside reminding me I'm alone in my room for the millionth time in a row for like three years. Shit it's been that long. I need to change but I don't know if I can. My birthday is fast approaching reminding me how old I am with nothing accomplished and nothing to show for it. Christ. I guess I'm never gonna be an author or a rockstar or an artist. Am I doomed to be a service industry faggot until I die? What the fuck do I do /lit/.

Do it, just do it! Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday you said tomorrow. So just do it! Make your dreams come true. Just do it. Some people dream of success, while you’re going to wake up and work hard at it. Nothing is impossible… you should get to the point where anyone else would quit and you’re not going to stop there. NO! What are you waiting for?! DO IT! JUST DO IT! YES YOU CAN! JUST DO IT! If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up. fuck do I do /lit/.

>> No.6768115 [View]
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Can a math-physics major publish in philosophy, assuming they're literate in philosophy?

>> No.6581311 [View]
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>take English Renaissance poetry class
>read poem about guy comparing a woman to a deer and chasing after her
>tumblr chick raises her hand and says "I just feel that he is just being so patronizing against her. I just think he views her as nothing more than an object."
>professor tries to seer discussion away from hatred towards men and starts going further in depth on related subject matter
>girl immediately gets out of her seat and walks out of the room quickly as if she had just been triggered.

I'm seriously tired of neo-feminism.

>> No.6546019 [View]
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>it's like a story from a video game
What video game? The fuck? This is coming from a guy who plays a shit load of video games, I have yet to find any story even close to Hamlet.
>I liked breaking bad because that's a fucking great story
It's also a story that spans tons of seasons and has so much time to get you involved in the characters that you grow emotional attachment due to the large amount of scenarios they go through. It's also just about a guy who is trying to help his family any way he can and finds out he's good at making meth.

I'm beginning to think you're just a troll.

>> No.6544588 [View]
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There's a difference between hearing God's voice and hearing Satan's. It's distinct and that is part of the story. Also, we know already God doesn't ever actually want people to do that, which he didn't even actually want Abraham to do that in this story.
>So you're the kind of person who considers their own unwillingness to kill their child a personal failing
Again you're just tip-toeing and dancing around the actual point and then projecting false accusations against me. No, I don't consider that a personal failing. I'm saying, if I was in Abraham's shoes, I wouldn't have done it and neither would anyone really, except Abraham had ultimate faith in God and even though he knew it was terrible, he heard God instruct him, he knew it was God's voice and he reluctantly decided to obey, from which God stopped him, because he wanted to test him to make sure he was willing to do whatever God commanded, even if it seemed ridiculous.
>And the actual point is that we shouldn't listen to our own moral intuitions
That isn't the point of this story, you're literally talking out of your ass. It is about trusting in God but we have a moral compass for a reason. This story isn't revolving around the theme of ignoring your moral compass, it's about a founding of a people and of a specific scenario where God asks the ridiculous to a man who is founding an entire nation of people under his name, which demands a founder of unquestionable faith. I doubt God would ever ask this ever again to anyone, which by the way he wasn't actually wanting that, it was simply a test.
>We're descended from a person who knew good from evil
That comparison to this context shows you really don't have an understanding of scripture and you are just giving a laymen's hamfisted approach to theology. Evil is literally just the absence of God, taken in various forms.

>Here's a little thought experiment: if Satan could imitate God's voice, wouldn't that allow him to lead christians to genocide, while atheists wouldn't follow?
When you begin to understand God you understand his will and what he wants. It's never in violence or against other fellow human beings, unless it is within defense.

You seriously show that you've never actually been into theology before because these are questions I would hear from people way back in Freshman year of high school. If you want a lot more in-depth, ask a Catholic priest, because they are trained (they actually go to school for this as well) and can give you answers, since from the tone of your post I'm sure you have multiple theological questions and I don't have the time to keep checking up on this thread.

>> No.6538481 [View]
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>"Well it's very in-depth, allow me to show you brother and further refine what you thought."

>> No.6532568 [View]
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>Why do unintelligent people have trouble understanding art
You answered that within your own question. I think the real question is, why are you making this thread? What situation happened where you go so upset you had to make a thread to rant and hope people would join in a circle-jerk about how they understand more than the 'masses'.

Give some context to your post and then we can tell whether you're the retard or the other person is.

>> No.6519817 [View]
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I can only write when I'm drunk, but I don't like to drink alcohol anymore. Wat do?

>> No.6275496 [View]
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>tfw meet qt3.14
>ask "what are you currently reading?"
>House of Leaves! It's my favorite book!

>> No.5994965 [View]
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>> No.5753476 [View]
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>In uni Shakespeare class
>studying Macbeth
>black nikki minaj looking chick raises her hand
>"So is this like, similar to like, you know that story, like The Odyssey or something. You know what I'm sayin?"

>> No.5645552 [View]
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happy bird day anon

>> No.5629707 [View]
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>tfw you bend the back pages and they stay forever fucking bent
>eventually become unable to ever go back to normal

>> No.5609957 [View]
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Any good books on how intelligence works and how one solves problems?

>> No.5319503 [View]
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>tfw you always feel like reading a book is going to be a chore
>tfw once you start reading it's fun as fuck and you feel amazing afterward

Is there anyway to get myself to feel great before I read a book? Ever since I was little, I've had the feeling that it's going to be a chore. This causes me to not want to start, but once I do break that barrier, I feel great. I need a new mindset on starting reading.

It's funny because with art it's the opposite. I feel excited before I start working on something (drawing, painting) but once I get into it, it fucking sucks. I hate working on it and just want it to be over.

>> No.5223845 [View]
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"Sparta will fall...."
"Only the Gods can defeat the greeks...you will be..A GOD!!!!"

"Let it be shown...that we chose to die on our feet....rather than LIVE ON OUR KNEES!!!!!!"

Since when did film writing get so fucking bad? It seems like it started somewhere the last decade and has gotten to the point it is so filled with cliche characters and dialogue. It's like every movie is just gimmicks and plot holes that I cringe every time I watch a movie now. It sucks because I usually lie to my friends and tell them I like a film I watched (just so I dont look like a constant downer) when in reality I can't stand most films today.

It's weird because I think the writing for films was typically a lot better 20 years ago and back, but today it's gotten so shallow. Does anyone else feel the same way?

>> No.5090423 [View]
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>tfw you realize your teenage propositional belief of death being an eternal loss of consciousness was just a confused string of undefined words, the last of them being a non-existent, however trendy among flesh-and-blood troglodytes, property

>> No.5053018 [View]
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Just from your picture I know it's shit.

>You can tell me Im a nerd when you know me

>Islamophobia and other...
Oh fuck leftie scumbags trying to excuse the King Durkas obsession with beheading POW's and civilians while fondling his 6 year old child bride.

>"We can do it" poster
She quit because she couldn't do it.

>> No.4955139 [View]
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>I've decided I want to learn Japanese

>> No.4522868 [View]
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