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>> No.22244786 [View]
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I always used to use the Oxford comma as a child, but they taught us in school not to use it, so now I seldom, if *ever,* use it immediately prior to "and;" also, I use semi-colons in just about every sentence I can (and parenthesis -- or double-hyphens -- as a sort of "fuck you" to everything (((THEY))) stand for), and (and that was one of the few instances I'll ever use anything like an "Oxford Comma") I nest my punctuation *inside* of said parenthesis, as you can see... oh, and I also like to use ellipsis (just like that) and write run-on sentences, just like John Ralph Reuel Tolkien.

>> No.19081320 [View]
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Jefferson had just finished complaining that each day was starting to feel the same. That he’d been a roadie for 20 years, and that he didn’t have much more left in him when Julius, who had been examining the old machine, stepped out from the shadows.

“The universe is a mirror,” he said “We discern within it only things that we wish to see. The specifics of the image are divisible not in and of themselves, but in the mind of the person who looks at the reflection.” Blair rolled his eyes and uttered some complaint or slur under his breath. Julius ignored him and continued. “A day is only a day in one's mind. In truth it is one stream. Beads on a string being no individual thing to anything but the possessor of the string.” “This and that,” he said, gesturing towards various objects, “it is all one thing, except in here”, tapping the side of his head. Jefferson spat. “I can’t say I understand everything you just said, but I reckons it’s maybe somewhere close to true. Seems to me that my mind is losing that general ability to judge though”. Julius nodded and smiled, his eyes flared, themselves like beads pressed into clay. He left them to their work. They finished positioning a speaker towards the front of the stage.

Blair jumped off the stage into the front row and looked about. It wasn’t the best setup he’d seen, but it would do for tonight. Pleased with the work he set off after Jefferson into the room backstage where he’d sit and drink before they started letting fans in.

It was a full house. 500 hot bodies wall to wall. The flow of the music, the pulse of the rhythm, passed over and into everyone. It was as though life itself was manifest in the space between the sound and the dance. Blair smoothed his hands over the front of his shirt. He felt his sticky, damp sweat seeping through the material. His body was warmed from the other attendees pressing in close. He felt the beat of the music route its way up around and into him.

The band had been touring across the north-east United States ever since one of their hits had been featured in a movie, the movie having been out for 3 months already. Staying in hotels for the most part, they played rock clubs, discos, and bars, and just about anywhere else that a stage could be built. They sang the same set night after night to different audiences. Cameron had been a front man for lots of outfits in the past, but it wasn’t until he’d met Julius and formed Hairline Fracture that he’d started to really come into his own. He knew he’d play with them until he died of an overdose, or venereal disease, or maybe in some fight with a fan after a show. So long as he died doing this it was alright with him.

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