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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10863757 [View]
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>> No.8314272 [View]
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>I've read 5 works so far, all of which feature Socrates

Plato uses dialectics in the form of a play most of the time. Socrates is basically his main character (in fact, there have been doubts raised as to whether or not he was even a real person. However two individuals wrote two different accounts of his death, so it seems highly likely).

Part of the biggest annoyance to Plato because of this is that it is hard to decipher what Plato believes and what Socrates believes. For introductory purposes, take the arguments at face value IMO.

>I think I'll read the other books in the Socrates series you mentioned, then reread them all in a set to fully appreciate them.

Not a bad plan, since the Apology is among them. As a side note, the Phaedo is a lot longer than the other three and the suicide isn't until the last page. It is mostly arguments for the existence of the soul/afterlife.

>I'll tackle republic and the other 3 you mentioned.

There are other good ones, but those are the biggest ones. If you read everything I listed, you will have pretty much covered undergrad Plato completely. The difficulty, however, is the subtleties that you might miss without guidance from a professional. Examples of these are stressing the importance of the allegory of the cave in Republic B7 (iirc) and the gadfly in Apology. Youtube might be useful in this respect.

>Thanks for the only genuine answer in this thread.

NP m8. Philosophy is a tough subject to get into, but it can show you reality behind the veil of shadows of our reality (when you read the allegory of the cave, you will see what I mean).

>> No.8310251 [View]
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Yeah, no problem. Happy to help with my opinions and such. Just completed my philosophy degree, time to be a wagecuck to buy more math/science textbooks.

>> No.7435495 [View]
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I'll bet you've never been slapped before.

>> No.7079798 [View]
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Alright, I'll try it out. Thanks anon.

>> No.6951772 [View]
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I thought it was just sad how not caring makes one brush against the limits of the law and public eye and that French justice was affected by the people's perceptions. It was more that a man who cared not to be away from events instead fell into them.

>> No.6856058 [View]
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I'm so very intoxicated. I'm dirt fucking poor. I could get hurt at any time. Regardless, I continue because I have a single, undying dream. I'm going to be a great writer, you'll see. You'll get to watch as my name climbs the charts, my alias, my alter ego. I happen to be the fucking best and I'm going to work my ass off to prove it. I'm already reading and writing for hours a day, I'm seeing exponential growth in terms of how I word things. It's good, man. I'm going to have a good life. We're all gonna make it brah. I'm fuckin special,

and so are you. You can make it, you can succeed, you have the physical capacity to accomplish your goals. We can be the next generation of artists. Of beat poets. The obsessing over our partial few postmodern manuscripts. There is a new wind in the air anons. Don't hesitate to follow it.

>> No.6685553 [View]
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Hedonism, which is an extension of Nihilism I suppose if all you think that is good in the world is derived from feelings of pleasure.

Though I have plans to kill myself before I turn 60 if that's any indicator of how well I've thought this out.

>> No.6648195 [View]
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I'll admit that in my weaker days I had spent a fair share of time on Reddit. Judge all you want, but I feel as if I have been prepared for this very moment, in that I can accurately direct you to my favorite subreddit, /r/iamverysmart. The people depicted within are the sorts you might find aligned with your autism.

>> No.6590390 [View]
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Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether or not consciousness is detrimental. Even worrying about it could be considered a waste of time and effort, and degrades my own experience.

If we use your argument regarding suicide as proof of the uselessness of consciousness, the fact that most people die old/due to age complications proves that it isn't some sort of catastrophic failure. There's a failure rate of <5%, it doesn't show that it's so much of a burden that it could be considered detrimental to literally everyone. Just you, and the rest of the minority.

Even if it is a negative thing, consider this: it doesn't matter. Indifference to life is far more pleasurable than looking at a single negative aspect of one's self and then judging that suicide is the next logical conclusion. That's like knowing your dog is about to die someday, or that its own self awareness would lead it to unhappiness, so you determine that you should kill it to... what? Save it from its own meaninglessness? Why attack an animal or end it based on your own determinations? I'm going to extend this to the idea that your life is not truly your own, but is a major component of others' life. By killing yourself, you violate others' property in that you cause mental and emotional harm and remove yourself from their lives.

Now if you go back to my original post you'll see that I do plan on killing myself eventually, when all value of mine has been lost. Until then, I acknowledge that my body is not my own and to kill myself is to react in such an extreme way that it could be likened to killing somebody's dog because its consciousness is some sort of burden.

>> No.6497619 [View]
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Good joke. Has roots in Latvian humor.

>> No.6467450 [View]
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>mfw I asked GRRM about Wolfe on his blog and he fucking answered

He literally does not have anything better to do with his time.

>> No.6464378 [View]
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I'm looking for novels from the point of view of an aristocracy. I'd like to be really steeped in the culture, the mannerisms, the power struggles, and the sheer lavishness of their lifestyles. Wartime and the effect it has on the gentry are also good topics.

Is War and Peace legitimately the only book that I can read that would give me all this?

>> No.6435983 [View]
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this is why communism will never go anywhere

>> No.6421044 [View]
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>"You've gotta pick your battles in this world, Hazel," my mom said. "But if this is the issue you want to champion, we stand behind you."
>"Quite a bit behind you," my dad added, and Mom laughed.

>> No.6290756 [View]
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>dfw my novella is NA

>> No.6266047 [View]
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>dfw capitalism wont fall during your lifetime
>dfw upper-middle class

>> No.6067370 [View]
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>> No.5989008 [View]
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>> No.5945617 [View]
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>> No.5930842 [View]
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>(Earadan in the elvish tongue)

>> No.5363032 [View]
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>Missing the joke
>Using acronyms without understanding what they mean because /pol/ told you it was cool

Step it up son.

>> No.5305945 [View]
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Someone needs a nap.

>> No.5156553 [View]
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Aside from reading, what are some intellectually stimulating things that you like to do?

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