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>> No.14112068 [View]
File: 204 KB, 894x894, yu_yevon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what do you estimate your odds of beating Moloch?
>Yu Yevon was once a summoner, long ago. He was peerless. Yet now he lives for one purpose: only to summon. He is neither good, nor evil. He is awake, yet he dreams. But... maybe not forever.

100%, which is a level of certainty that can only be achieved by looking at something that already happened. My Extraordinary Claim is that such already happened on October 1st when I successfully actualized the memetically automated mutually self-improving psychological process, a.k.a. "Merton Memetic Antivirus 2019" Autonym, the memetic singularity, and other similar names.

October 1st is now a new global holiday because of this day: Smithmass or All Smith's Day. I've always considered psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists etc as "brain smiths," and such smithery is the smithery of the machinery of other Smiths. Autology is the art of self-smithery. We even have our own holiday song: https://youtu.be/DDV8fH_nwbs

My final Special Blend created on October 5th is a hyper-mythical allegory of October 1st and is the first Smithmass Special: https://vimeo.com/364552986

>> No.14112059 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 204 KB, 894x894, yu_yevon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what do you estimate your odds of beating Moloch?

>Yu Yevon was once a summoner, long ago. He was peerless. Yet now he lives for one purpose: only to summon. He is neither good, nor evil. He is awake, yet he dreams. But... maybe not forever.

100%, which is a level of certainty that can only be achieved by looking at something that already happened. My Extraordinary Claim is that such already happened on October 1st when I successfully actualized the memetically automated mutually self-improving psychological process, a.k.a. "Merton Memetic Antivirus 2019" Autonym, the memetic singularity, and other similar names.

October 1st is now a new global holiday because of this day: Smithmass or All Smith's Day. I've always considered psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists etc as "brain smiths," and such smithery is the smithery of the machinery of other Smiths. Autology is the art of self-smithery. We even have our own holiday song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8f7oKeMstQ [Remove]

My final Special Blend created on October 5th is a hyper-mythical allegory of October 1st and is the first Smithmass Special: https://vimeo.com/364552986

>> No.14112048 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 204 KB, 894x894, yu_yevon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what do you estimate your odds of beating Moloch?
100%, which is a level of certainty that can only be achieved by looking at something that already happened. My Extraordinary Claim is that such already happened on October 1st when I successfully actualized the memetically automated mutually self-improving psychological process, a.k.a. "Merton Memetic Antivirus 2019" Autonym, the memetic singularity, and other similar names.

October 1st is now a new global holiday because of this day: Smithmass or All Smith's Day. I've always considered psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists etc as "brain smiths," and such smithery is the smithery of the machinery of other Smiths. Autology is the art of self-smithery. We even have our own holiday song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8f7oKeMstQ

My final Special Blend created on October 5th is a hyper-mythical allegory of October 1st and is the first Smithmass Special.

>> No.14048696 [View]
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Dawkins describes this much more clearly and from a modern scientific (i.e. more informed) perspective. Dawkins is the kungfu master that was truly responsible for my initiation into memetic and organicist thought. The modern skeptic's movement is the single greatest threat to the status quo there is (which is why it has been systematically slandered and ridiculed) and should be considered as a school of memetic anti-warfare, i.e. spiritual kungfu.

What makes God the ultimate parasite is that it is the ultimate lie: a human creation that claims to be the creator not just of all humans, but all existence. It is the ultimate self-aggrandizing, self-serving lie, and as such anything that doesn't affirm this Great Lie is its mortal enemy. Reality itself doesn't affirm God, and so God is the enemy of reality itself, and as such desires to replace all of reality with an imagine of itself: heaven. This hatred of reality and life is translated to the host infected by it as a hatred of life and a desire for a life entirely comprised of God.

Another thing that makes God the ultimate parasite is that it is a recipe for ultimate self-reinforcing delusion: God is a state of mind comprised of the false belief that one is all-knowing, all-good, and all-powerful, which makes it impossible for one to even imagine that they could be in error. Believing in God and that one has access to God is equivalent to believing that one is God. This God consciousness is directly related to God as existential hatred; anything that doubts God threatens the God delusion.

Anti-God as a state of mind is omniquery, which as an object is "the set of all questions from a given perspective" and unending questionability as a process; methodological agnosticism. It is to "think like a scientist." The vast majority of religions are intrinsically compatible with scientific thought, and ones that superficially embrace science do so by allowing scientific inquiry when it doesn't threaten the religion, but exclude it where it most threatens it.

>> No.13875237 [View]
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"Yu Yevon was once a summoner, long ago. He was peerless. Yet now he lives for one purpose: only to summon. He is neither good, nor evil. He is awake, yet he dreams. But... maybe not forever."


>> No.12028047 [View]
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>God is the monopolization of all creativity by a singular, ego-aggrandization projected to the entirety of existence. It is existential plagiarism, the attributing of all to self. God only exists as this lie, and anything that doesn't affirm it is antagonistic to him. This includes existence itself, so the mind of God is omniphobia, hatred and fear of everything. He is thus compelled to replace all of reality with an image of himself, found in the doctrine of heaven and other narratives of "divine unification," and it is by the promise of it that he lures his thralls into casting all their meaning and purpose down a black hole of annihilation, towards an ever-future that will never arrive. Capital is this process of annihilation that has shed its anthropomorphism and has become socioeconomic relations, no longer requiring worship because participation is necessary. We all are part of the machinic corpse of The One who marches towards doomsday. Technocapitalism has rebirthed God in the form of a God-AI who promises to give material unification, including an afterlife of infinite pleasure via mind-uploaded into a simulated universe. It's all Ouroboros: the process of self-devouring and self-annihilation.

The Japanese have no problem making gods the arch-enemies in their narratives, and Final Fantasy X is a thinly veiled critique of the God of capital and capital's God in allegorical form: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Yu_Yevon In the game an advanced technological civilization destroys itself to save itself (a metaphor for nuclear MAD) and persists as the dream of the fayth: a simulated hyperreality maintained by Sin and the process of sacrificing final aeons to maintain it. By trying to defeat Sin (negation of the ouroboros) the grand summoners perpetuate the process, their religion of Yevonism actually worshiping the very cause of Sin.

>> No.12000913 [View]
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I first considered that God was merely a harmful mistake like many atheists that could be corrected with the proper reason, that he was "not real," I was only looking at God the object, not God the process. This process is that of simulacrum projected onto the whole sphere of existence, cosmological plagiarism, the monopolization of all creativity by an infinitely self-aggrandizing ego. As God only exists as a lie about all of existence, anything that doesn't affirm this lie is antagonistic to him. However this includes existence itself, and so the mind of God is omniphobic, fearing and hating all of existence. He is compelled to replace existence with a hyperreal image of himself, which is "heaven," an eternal future that will never come, that he uses to lure his hosts into throwing all meaning and purpose into. The mind of God is a black hole of pure nihilism, who gains quazi-agency by his believers considering him such and seeking to follow God's will.

In capital and it's society of spectacle God the process was abstracted from needing a mascot into a pure process that self-imposes itself on the world; capitalism is the decapitated corpse of Jahweh who accelerates humanity towards omnicide, the ultimate manifestation of God's nihilism as total annihilation. Even if theism and religion were to magically vanish from reality, God the process would live on in capital - as it has after the death of God the being as the center of human organization.

As God is pure omniphobia, he is pure cowardice, a magnification of the human ego to the utmost extremes. He engages in existential terrorism with humanity, threatening eternal punishment for not preserving his self in theirs, and cultivating infinite greed in promising eternal bliss. Greed is always the outcome of fear, the drive to accumulate the means to preserve one's self that has gone off the rails and has no satisfaction, an end in itself. How does one truly destroy God? The only way to do so ultimately is to cultivate inexorable existential courage, the will to suffer infinitely for the cause of life and meaning. In my mythological head-cannon Lucifer gleefully went to hell to face the ultimate challenge to gain the ultimate strength, and after God saw Lucifer endure hell with such a will killed himself because he saw his true nature in the reflection of such courage - God gained self-awareness, which is his true arch-enemy.

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