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>> No.16648082 [View]
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Imagine ruling an empire with no telecomunications tech, half the people under you are incompetant while some actively are trying to kill or undermine you because they are retarded and think they can do a better job.
Meanwhile you have barbarians invading left and right while your most competent friends and generals are often dying and needing to be replaced.

You would need a philosophocal/psychological groundwork to manage all the stress and bullshit to be a competent leader. Its not like modern days where you can run psych profiles on your employees and force them to go to the same psychiatrist and keep tabs on everyone using social media.

The key point is that anyone regardless of their position in society can practice stoicism which has nothing to do with wealth or prosperity.

The problem that op might postulate is that the modern world has become so evil and out of sync with nature that practicing stoicism has been rendered functionally impossible by living with western society chiefly because technology has mutilated the human condition so badly that our society is utterly bereft of the natural base conditions one would need in order to fulfill stoic philosophy which might be why Nietczche tried to refute it.
The thing i would say is that stoicism is always valid the problem is that humanity needs to return to the conditions of natural existence to bring it back into the fore.
Otherwise the only philosophical question and reality is that we will become utterly dependant on AI to do our thinking and actions for us which is a bad idea.


>> No.16340719 [View]
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I think the issue is that this was before the internet and what you likely get marketed are books that generally have the same value or are rather redundant. You might read 100 books on a variety of topics and then after that everything kinda just treads on the same ground over and over again.

If I had to recomend some books that might be actually worthwhile I would point people at stuff like Julius Evola's magic books (stuff on esoteric principles)
William Cooper's Behold a Palehorse
Dr Robert Duncan's Soul Catcher

Because we have the internet there is now a wide array of out there books we have access to on a variety of subjects that we might not be aware of or have been suppressed.

When you are reading relatively mainstream philosophy books, fiction and religous books etc I would say look for a purpose in the reading and look to apply them in your life rather than reading them for pleasure of the sake of reading.

You need to have purpose in reading otherwise of course you are going to burn yourself out.

I'm basically at a point where i'm one of the most educated people on earth to a sense where i take a gander at books that proffesionals and whistle blowers have written and often times their information is either outdated or redundant towards my own intuitiion and the act of reading their books comes off as like mental masturbation or at least a minor form of reassurance that im right and in line with great men.
Ive read books from like 15th century witch hunting to modern day advanced physics books about the ether/zero point energy. I've also read the likes of Dosteyvsky to Dumas. My main sense is that fiction is often an excercise in novelty and escapism, regardless of if you get value its always you kinda just smelling your own farts which is good every one in a while.
I think what should concern people is that I believe the philosophy of the Cathars is right and this world is some form of hell.
Welcome to hell kids.

Even so I'm still in a 99.9% of human suffering.

>> No.15915795 [View]
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I think its worse than that because there will be a segment of the population who is woke to this issue and we are sort of forced to participate in it being born into it.
Its literally like being in the matrix except theres no morpheus and everyone is a retarded slave except for the random people I interact with on the internet who enlighten me and post valid information but I never find anyone in real life who ever shares my views to the same extent or they are pure psychopaths who know exactly whats going on and revel in it. Even worse they use their power to attack me because they know i disrupt their power system.

From what I see there is a massive intelligence gap where those in power and their underlings have key knowledge that other people dont have and even if you are a born pleb or lower class and figure this shit out its likely you wont have the resources or influence to enact any change.

A big example of this is the 440hz vs 432 hz music conspiracy.

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