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>> No.23234338 [View]
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-respect-the-man-of-noble-races-other-than-your-own-who-carries-out-in-a-different-place-savitri-devi-121-93-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate fascism?

>> No.22899451 [View]
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-respect-the-man-of-noble-races-other-than-your-own-who-carries-out-in-a-different-place-savitri-devi-121-93-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little known fact, Devi was actually talking about black weebs, black competitive fighting game players, and (oddly) black computer repair store soldering experts in this quote

>> No.22670458 [View]
File: 76 KB, 850x400, devi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His metaphysics is impersonalist but nothing prevents you from interpreting the Traditionalist conception of the One or the Absolute in a personalist fashion. You can even be a Jewish Kabbalist and still basically agree with Traditionalist metaphysics. In practice at the exoteric level personalism is also inevitable as most ordinary people believe in mythic personal manifestations and leave the metaphysics up to weird rishis and sannyasin like in Hinduism.

The fundamental premise of Traditionalist metaphysics is that it is true, good, and beautiful in the original platonic sense. In fact it's so true that to see and know it is to coincide with it and not be able to deny it, any more than you can use your thinking consciousness now to deny that you are thinking the thought of the denial itself. Gnosis is nondual.

Evola doesn't want to enforce any metaphysical views on anyone. Metaphysics will always be for rare sages who feel called to it. But he does want to make Europe a conduit for an idealist metaphysics that venerates the One. There is no need to argue about the content of the One. Guenon found it equally capable of being expressed in Sufism and Hinduism. Pic related.

>> No.21895295 [View]
File: 76 KB, 850x400, devi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't Weininger yourself. The authentic release is just fixing the world and setting things right. The elites threw us all into each other's countries like this and made us fuck each other over to make it so we lose even our solidarity with one another and ability to admire one another. I don't hate Indians because there are sixty million Indians in my home county, I see the ones in my home county as victims of indoctrination, and like any other group, mostly decent people who would make good choices if they weren't being actively bombarded by ideology and put in no-win situations that force them to make ugly decisions every day. Same with Arabs in Paris or Asians in Canada.

I'm sure Mexifags on 4chan have to deal every day with cognitive dissonance over which "side" to identify with: retarded globohomo? obviously not an option. AIAIAIAIAIAI LA RAZA YO ONIONS CHICANA ESSE? embarrassing. Internet white nationalism that wants to gas you? not an option either.

The trick is just to think right past and through all the rigged parameters the elites have set up so you think you're in an unwinnable situation, think at the level of resetting the whole game board, not just playing the rigged no-win game in which you are always already in checkmate that the elites have established. You have just as much a right to upset the board as they do. It might take a generation or three but that's just how history works. Populations flow and relocate, new modi vivendi are negotiated, etc. If the elites can use mass immigration to destroy countries in under 20 years why shouldn't it be possible to use controlled emigration to find peaceful solutions? For most of history it was relatively normal for whole cities or regions to spring up or be occupied or reoccupied. Who even wants to say in the mega-slums we all live in today thanks to globohomo policies? They're all going to need redesigning and redrawing no matter what, along with various maps. The world is more flexible than we all think.

>> No.21421658 [View]
File: 76 KB, 850x400, devi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more materialist progress worship. Even your points of reference are materialistic. Everything physical is a lower manifestation of a spiritual reality, and degraded and degrading physical conditions can reciprocally stunt or limit the proper awakening of spiritual faculties, thus causing further physical stunting reciprocally. There is no such thing as "IQ," the brain is not a bundle of wires and people are not soluble into competing alleles. Progress is not marked by technology, as should be proved by the fact that we are simultaneously the most technologically advanced and the most spiritually degenerate society in the entire history of the human race as we know it. That's a thought that should be genuinely frightening, we are in unprecedented waters here, something is clearly happening and even reaching its endpoint.
>He ought not to be, necessarily, blond and blue eyed: instead of being slender, he can also be mesocephalic and in some cases short statured: he'll show the same harmonic bodily proportions of the nordic man and through the features of a high-forehead, a more or less curved nose or a prominent jawbone, he'll give the same impression of an active, vigilant, ready to strike human type

>> No.20826288 [View]
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-respect-the-man-of-noble-races-other-than-your-own-who-carries-out-in-a-different-place-savitri-devi-121-93-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>'also I think white races are better than all other races'
Everyone is proud of his own people, that doesn't mean one thinks they should dominate or degrade others, or that there is some vulgar materialistic reason they are "superior." Every white nationalist will immediately tell you that whites don't even have the highest average IQ, and that's the materialistically inclined ones. Someone like Evola repeatedly says that "whites" are currently faring worse than Japanese and some others in terms of spiritual quality. Ethnic groupings objectively exist, but they are all oriented toward transcendence.

>>completely ignore that race is a modern invention of the 19th and 20th century
Old distraction technique. "Race as a scientific category was only invented in ...!" Who cares? I could dig up thousands of quotes from the 18th century, and going back as far as the 13th century, proving that people are aware of (and proud and protective of) ethnic difference. Even the word "race" in its broader ethnic usage is older than late 19th century race science, the influence of which has always been limited to a vocal minority. Very few right wingers have been "scientific" racialists historically, except in some minimal degree. Read Evola's Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race.

The rest of your post is just stupid but thanks for the opportunity to evangelize to people who are on the fence, retard.

>> No.19688140 [View]
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-respect-the-man-of-noble-races-other-than-your-own-who-carries-out-in-a-different-place-savitri-devi-121-93-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some nice positivity, I feel the same way about this whole era. Things are getting interesting again in a way I think we had all come to assume was only for "historical times." I guess the end of history wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

I've been following even seemingly minor events with this in mind, like the recent drama over Gab and Gettr. When Twitter was banning Trump, I was waiting to see which way the culture war winds would blow. I figured either a bunch of dominos would fall, and the internet would become a completely curated hugspace for neurotic liberals within 5~ years through successive "anti-hate" legislation, or something like Gab would emerge and carve out a genuine "negative space" for free speech that the establishment then couldn't control, which would cause the media to focus on it in a kind of Girardian frenzy, which would cause an escalation of tensions and eventual larger conflicts.

Instead, everything kind of fizzled out, and I was disappointed. But I just found out that Gab is steadily growing, and that white nationalists are freely commingling there with a small but growing minority of paleoconservative and ex-neocon, dissident republican types. Imagine being able to say that in 2015, or 2010. More and more people are slipping beyond the control mechanisms of the soporific mainstream, and while this may seem small from an absolute standpoint, it's always a fitful minority like this, the people motivated to keep remaking twitter accounts out of spite and to run unprofitable publishing houses and so on, that really leads to change. And change is exponential, so Gab's 100k active users could be millions next year, especially now that Gab is a plausible "hard point" of anti-system energy. If some crisis causes more splitting in the mainstream, people now have places to go, the energy is being channeled and can link up.

If world history is beginning again and the end of history is really over, we have incredible responsibility to live up to it and shake off our own end of history attitudes and perspectives. We'll have to learn how to be serious and how to make zero-sum decisions again. I guess this is how people felt in the 1920s-1930s.

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