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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22484250 [View]
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fuck is that an untranslated zamonia book? i hear john brownjohn, who translated them originally, has died. i hooe they can find a gkkd replacement, that guy did a great job on the poems.

>> No.21449686 [View]
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First off; crazy beautiful woman.
When it comes to books I generally enjoy philosophy, self-help, business and some fiction like fantasy and scifi
Right now I'm reading "Communication Skills Training" James W. Williams because I'm a bit of a sperg when it comes to social settings, and especially women kek. Maybe it will help, who knows.
I've read Mediations, it was kino. There are some nice takeaways from the diary of Aurelius and it makes you reflect over your life, decision making and self.
Right now my backlog consists of:
>Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals
> Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
> How to Win Friends and Influence People
I've heard a lot about this book, so I need to check to see if its a meme or not
>Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds
>Thinking, Fast and Slow
>Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
>The 48 Laws of Power
>The Art of War
Another meme book I need to read
>Tao Te Ching
> Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? (Smith, Julie)
> The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force (Schwartz, Jeffrey M.)
and some fiction books like Neuromancer, 1984, Dracula and some other.
I'm a bit new to reading books, so I'm also interested in expanding my backlog like OP.

>> No.20644524 [View]
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Wow. I even made an allusion to these in a story I was about to publish. I didn't mention the stones themselves. I think it would be a nice snarky mention them getting demolished in another story.

>> No.20411106 [View]
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there's already a thread. please check the cat

>> No.19471124 [View]
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Organize all the information you consume, generating new ideas and improving your productivity.

>What is this for?
Having an organized database of your knowledge frees up brain space and allows you to focus on the tasks at hand, instead of trying to mentally juggle several lines of thought simultaneously. It also forces your ideas to be more clearly defined, as the human brain tends to be satisfied with vague, fuzzy notions.

>Ok, but WHAT is this for?
Remembering what you read. Learning a subject. Learning a skill. Writing papers. Writing fiction. Developing your character. Developing theories. Getting things done.
Virtually anything related to learning can benefit from efficient knowledge management.

>What do I have to do?
In short: Learn to take proper notes. That's it.
When you learn new content, be it from a book or from a martial arts training session, don't let it fade away: turn it into a short reminder. Then, elaborate on it when you have the time and integrate this new piece of information into your favorite PKM method.

>What are the main PKM methods?
- Zettelkasten (ZK): "Slip box", in German. A system of interlinked notes in an organic way, rather than hierarchical. Not meant to be read from start to finish, but rather browsed where the wind takes you (serendipity), in hopes of providing unexpected connections and repurposing "old knowledge" into new context. Its potential grows exponentially. It is recommended to read the book on the subject before starting your ZK, check the resources list. ZKs are great for interdisciplinary learners, academic writers,..
Recommended software: Obsidian, Roam, OCR Space, The Archive, Zotero, Zettlr...

- Personal Wiki (PW): A personal wiki. Used for structuring and linking information in (generally) a more hierarchical way, making sure all points have been covered. Great for planning and executing projects, to-do lists, worldbuilding and cataloguing.
Recommended software: TiddlyWiki, ZimWiki, Trilium,...

- Spaced Repetition Software (SRS): Flashcards. Used for reviewing and remembering large quantities of information. Great for things like language learning, law and medical school.
Recommended software: Anki or Supermemo.

- Software to organize your ebooks and pdf: Calibre

>Which one should I use?
None. Any. All. A little of each, depending on your needs. These are methods to help you to understand and structure your own way of thinking and leaning, not cake recipes. Experiment.

>Should I take notes manually or digitally?
Writing manually requires more focus, thus it is more beneficial.
But digital is more practical, easier to manage, search and archive. Again, experiment. Think of your knowledge database as a lifelong project, so future-proofing is always a good idea

Feel free to contribute and ask questions

>> No.17141506 [View]
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The answer to that question is exactly what I'm so confronted about, although I stick up for the weak, stand behind and defend my principles, at the same time I have understanding for those that don't have morals and do otherwise. I admit that I'm not a crusader that seeks to crush all the "evil" that exists, as in only defending my principles (when attacked in proximity), not offending with my principles, if that makes sense. I don't go out of my way to do "justice" when I hear someone saying someone hurt someone somewhere, but if it happens right where I am I will not stand still. I don't try to directly impose my morals on others or tell them they are evil, I just do it and that's it. I do have principles and enforce them, but I'm questioning the origin, legitimacy and benefits of them.

I understand Leadership a bit (from a readers perspective only that is) and the value of fear in that particular isolated context is higher than in other contexts, although probably a bit outdated in modern leadership. I'm not trying to be one, sometimes I feel like people try to impose it on me when it's the hardest to do and resort to their meme "alpha" normie behavior when there's nothing to lead and it's easy. Being a real leader is hard and takes a lot of sacrifice, I understand that and I'm not willing to be one by default, it's not in (what I would define) my nature to lead. Anyways nice discussion you got going on (for real).

Added to my reading list, thanks.

I will give Evola a shot but also >>17140767 should recommend me one too if he disagrees with your suggestion (if you have one that relates to the actual topic at hand, not just about the political disagreement).

Hence one could call it "good" traits, because it's good for them that I'm like that, but is it "right" or true for me?

You have a point, and at the same time I must add to that that there's something terrifying for your opponent if you are considered weaker and stand up to them, not saying it's smart, not saying there's not a chance you wake up in the hospital, but this effect should be taken into consideration, also acts of bravery can be very infectious and rally a lot of unexpected support to your site, seriously should not be underestimated.

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