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>> No.21637166 [DELETED]  [View]
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Biology, a higher IQ was not an advantage when the mean age of death was, and still is in black countries, barely 40. What was a biological advantage was to run fast or jump slightly better than average.

Same with women, men did not need or want physically strong women. They wanted beauty, empathy and proto-typical female attributes to father children with. Pleasing fat distribution, wide hips and other physical indicators of fertility. Physic strength, endurance and aggression are not included here.


>> No.21633750 [View]
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You will never be a woman, but an ethni-state is possible.

>> No.21567821 [View]
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>I hate niggers because they look different
Not okay.

>I dont think dark skinned people should be allowed in civlized society because of the preponderance of clinical evidence that shows they are unable to think in abstractions.

>> No.21547050 [View]
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>You misrepresent Peterson. He exhorts young men to take responsibility for their personal development and self-actualisation, IN ORDER THAT they may take their place as productive and well-adjusted members of society: able to compete for lifemates, secure decent careers, live fulfilling lives, and find inner peace and self-respect.
Nothing wrong with this. This is generic good advice and worth pursuing. This can be found in any self-help book.

> He is trying to reverse the widespread alienation and isolation of young western men, not just because it is the humane and compassionate thing to do, but because alienated and isolated young men do terrible things to others as well as themselves, and Peterson cares about social order.
This is not entirely true. He is concerned with preserving the current social order which is not conductive to young, healthy white males. He also refuses, absolutely refuses to consider any sort of unit and cohesion between these lost men. Don't, under any account, use your shared suffering and pain to build a movement that can affect real, lasting change in society. Be alone, be an island, the individual is key. The gaps in his logic are clear, he is a trying to prevent the formation of any nationalist and cultural-collectivism (not economic) which is the only means to live in this world.

>Peterson emphasises everywhere in his teachings, the importance of overarching social structures, strong institutions, the preservation of cultural values and traditions, and a distinctive national identity around which people may rally and unite.
All good, but he misses on key point which ties it all together, Ethnic homogeniety. Without that what we see now is the inevitable conclusion of the Liberal Tradition. It is happening in every single White Nation, thet are all ruined by the inclusion of non-whites.

>He approaches these things from the position of a psychologist, with a psychologist's insight into the dynamics of human groupings, rather than as an ideologue.
He is an idealogue, he is a classical liberal. That is an ideology that is rapidly coming to an end. It is unsutainable in both economic and social spheres, politics is a shitshow because democracy does not work.

>But he is greatly alarmed at the terrible damage being wrought to the foundational underpinnings of western liberal democracy, national identity, and the fundamental human right of free speech, by postmodernism and leftist extremism.
Good. He should be. He has lied and caused suffering to countless people by his omission of the ethic replacement his demographic is undergoing in every nation their ancestors built.

>> No.21534348 [View]
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You see minorities first. But that is not something you can say is it? Fat easier to drive a wedge between man and woman than to divide ethnic groups.

Women follow the pack, they always do. Weak men allow for weak women. If a strong, ethno-nationalist movement took off they would be the most passionate supporters. As they were for the Bolsheviks, the National-Socialists, the Patriots and every movement that has happened in modern history.

>> No.21517037 [View]
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Blacks can only peform a crude parody of it without any emotional impact or longterm investment.

>> No.21516912 [View]
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Not everybody is pagan, nor do they believe in anything literal. Many, myself included, want a new moral/value system that can be used to support a people, land and a nation indefinately.

>> No.21488252 [View]
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>You cannot have a healthy family without a healthy community. Families are not islands, they are influenced and inspired by their enviroment
I said as much. If it was too obscure for you i will try to fix that.

> Do you believe that the nation, the family, will always act in their best interest if they "reach" their core, or "become pure" - if such an essence exist?
I do not know what you think you are explaining here but i will attempt to address your muddy question.

No, nations do not act in the best interests of the family, typically communities do not act in the interests of the local families either. There is one exception, largely White communities, others be they brown or black are incapable. I have no clue what "become pure" means. It strikes me as a strawman. Families make communities and communities make the nation, it is no surprise that trust coincides with white ethnic homogenity at all levels, rich or poor.

>I claim that you live in a fantasy if you believe so, because despite our tribal origins, outside influence and interest has always been weighing.
It has, and some small amount of cultutal osmosis is not inherenty bad. But thet have always been of equal exchange. Until recentlt this was the norm, there is ni benefit to black and browm inclusion to a community.

>Think about the innovations the first cities provided tribes; they assimilated themselves into societies in a transactional exchange.
Now look at the last cities, each one is a plague and regarded as the worst places to live in all metrics, they require new blood (foreign) just to stay alive.

>Do you believe things would be different under "family-oriented" structures
Yes, far more local and regionally focused which in turn allows a certain amount of autarky which is of immense value to stability and self-discipline.

>First, how do you define ethnicity you jew?
Literally posting support for National-Socialism, i suspecr not even the jidf does that in their subversion of these boards

>If you're talking about race, then say race instead.
Ethnic groups make up a race. It is not hard, you bemoan terminology like trannies do. When i say race you know what is meant, when i say woman you know who is excluded. The same standard applies.

>Secondly, if you're speaking about solidarity, do you think that the most beneficial outline would be across culture/ethnicity?
Culture comes from ethnicity.

>Do you believe, that if our states as they were "just were purer", that the absolute exploitation of (european) men would stop?
There is no pure when it comes to this, though people who are against ethnic homogeneity use your position as a means to undermine it. More purer is a falacy, is Japan more pure than other nations? No. It has almost entirely ethnic Japanese people, Europe should do likewise with violencr if need be. If this happened the burden of the white ma would be removed from his shoulders and so yes, things would be tremedously improved.

>> No.21474110 [View]
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If you give them coke, they can't tell its not brandy. They have no idea about any of these things, only how it looks when other people see them. Its why Loius XIV bottles are sold second hand by blacks.

Few blacks drink coffee too, probably for the same reason. It is not prestigious in their eyes.

>> No.21454593 [View]
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>You do not have to be a national socialist to restrict immigration
You do for the moral foundations of your nation and people to be unshakable. If all you are pursing is economic prosperity, you by default have no care for who generates it, in fact you would probably prefer mohammad, pajeet and gomez because they work for literal peanuts meaning you reap a greater economic result.

The only way to sustain a homogenous, ethno-cultural nation-state is with National-Socialism. It is the only system that puts the family, rooted in blood and soil, as the primary motivating factor. Everything else is just economic and consumerist manipulation.

>> No.21415216 [View]
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>don't repurpose my demoralization and bait threads to highlight problems in society.

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