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>> No.18346759 [View]
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>Perhaps you can summarize the author's main thesis, for the sake of discussion?
the phenomenon at work in the disappearance of the body of Jesus would be the same as the "rainbow body" of which the Buddhists speak: https://www.gaia.com/article/rainbow-body-101-everything-you-didnt-know

>(...) Further on, Choga Rinpoche described the “Medium Rainbow Body,” saying, “The Dzogchen master’s body dissolves as rainbow light of many different shapes, colors, and different sizes of rainbow spheres, rainbow rays, and rainbow ribbons until the physical body has totally dissolved into rainbow light, leaving nothing besides hair and nails.” Rinpoche cites the examples of Master Nyaklha Rangrik Dorje (“His body is still preserved and is the size of a hand”) and Tasha Lamo, a woman practitioner whose body shrank to about four inches in 1982. (...)

he would have then remanifested himself supernaturally

>because the henotheistic theological basis of Vishnu-as-brahman having multiple incarnations, including Jesus most recently, is incompatible with the theology taught by Jesus Himself, and His apostles after Him, whom He guided with the sending of the Holy Spirit.
I understand and I think the same thing, but one could answer that Jesus only reinterpreted his experience, identical to those of the other mystical saints, with his theological-cultural background

>The human-achieving-moksha explanation fails even more spectacularly, and I can go into that if you'd like.
yes please

>Brahman communicates His graces through means which He chooses
this migh interest you: http://salve-regina.com/index.php?title=Pr%C3%A9mystique_naturelle_et_mystique_surnaturelle

>but only for those who have plausible deniability in that, with inmost honesty, they have not known the Truth of this institution made by Christ - invincible ignorance.
pic rel

>they would be excluded from the beatific vision
are you sure? It seems to me that anyone can achieve it with the right methods
Aleister Crowley seems to have achieved it for example (and united with Kether)


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