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>> No.21655226 [View]
File: 25 KB, 232x300, theodor_lessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theodor Lessing and Ludwig Klages had a kind of conflict and rivalry. In fact, I would call Theodor Lessing the original Nick Land. You can see how, in some sense, Lessing "prophesied" Transhumanism. Lessing was the percursor to figures like Yuval Harari and Ray Kurzweil, in some sense.

>Theodor Lessing – Reason lies in conflict with Life, and aims to wipe it out in the sense of both converting it into technological creations as well as theoretical models. Reason – or spirit/god-satan – will be victorious in this conflict, and though we ourselves must choose which side to pick (spirit or life), Lessing believes we must ultimately side with spirit. The conflict, however, never goes away completely, and we can use this to step outside of the conflict and reflect upon it as a thing of metaphysical beauty. Similarly, we are never allowed to make a complete choice for one side, as that would be delusional – all our choices and models are created from our values, and are thus not only ever-changing, but always the creators of lies. We must come to accept this meaningless situation and embrace and choose it for ourselves.

>> No.19816876 [View]
File: 26 KB, 232x300, Less.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I sit here at my desk, I can only hold the tremendous fear that a similar fate that befell Io might befall myself. Turned into a cow through the fear of Jove, Io was victim to a crime out of her hands, forced to endure a fate worse than death; that of isolation and rejection. Io, a beautiful young virgin, was subjected to godless tyranny to no fault of her own. An innocent girl, she ran from Jove’s advances, until he finally caught up with her, lying with her well until he noticed the arrival of Juno, and in an act of shame and cowardice, turned Io into a cow. Oh Io, how you suffer like us all, an object used to appease another figure. What a way to live, constantly appeasing others. What a miserable existence. Or to be as Callisto was, a poor virgin huntress caught off-guard by Jove’s trickery. To be raped and used by a God, to be but a tool for the pleasure of a superior being. To face Juno’s wrath and vengeance, warped into a beast, a monster, a bear. To be isolated from society, ostracized and forced to look in. To have your only son attempt to murder you, unaware of his actions. What a punishment, dear Juno. What a punishment for living your life as you would normally, only to have the world around you, authority, your God, your family, anything strike back at you, the viper at your heel poised and ready to strike. We could look at such an event and laugh, resting easy without further thought or consideration. This is, of course, unless this tale became a grim reality. It is, in this day, a painful actuality.

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